
EU VAT library for Laravel

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Laravel VAT

Build Status Software License

See ibericode/vat-bundle for a Symfony version of this package.

laravel-vat is a package that contains the Laravel related wiring code for ibericode/vat, helping you deal with VAT legislation for businesses based in the EU.

  • Fetch (historical) VAT rates for any European member state using jsonvat.com
  • Validate VAT numbers (by format, existence or both)
  • Validate ISO-3316 alpha-2 country codes
  • Determine whether a country is part of the EU
  • Geolocate IP addresses


You can install this package via Composer:

composer require dannyvankooten/laravel-vat

The package will automatically register itself.


Check out the ibericode/vat README for general usage of this package.


You can use facades to retrieve an instance of the classes provided by ibericode/vat.

use DvK\Laravel\Vat\Facades\Rates;
use DvK\Laravel\Vat\Facades\Validator;
use DvK\Laravel\Vat\Facades\Countries;

Rates::country('NL'); // 21
Rates::country('NL', 'reduced'); // 6
Rates::country('NL', 'reduced', new \DateTime('2005-01-01')); // 19
Rates::all(); // array in country code => rates format

Validator::validate('NL50123'); // false
Validator::validateFormat('NL203458239B01'); // true (checks format)
Validator::validateExistence('NL203458239B01') // false (checks existence)
Validator::validate('NL203458239B01'); // false (checks format + existence)

Countries::all(); // array of country codes + names
Countries::name('NL') // Netherlands
Countries::europe(); // array of EU country codes + names
Countries::inEurope('NL'); // true
Countries::ip(''); // US

By default, VAT rates are cached for 24 hours using the default cache driver.


The package registers two new validation rules.


The field under validation must be a valid and existing VAT number.


The field under validation must be a valid ISO-3316 alpha-2 country code.

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class Controller {

    public function foo(Request $request) 
            'vat_number_field' => ['vat_number'],
            'country_code_field' => [ 'country_code' ],

Alternatively, you can also use the Rule objects directly.

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use DvK\Laravel\Vat\Rules;

class Controller {

    public function foo(Request $request) 
            'vat_number_field' => [ new Rules\VatNumber() ],
            'country_code_field' => [ new Rules\Country() ],


MIT licensed.