Pinned issues
- 1
- 15
- 1
Upgrading to Safari 18 may lose extensions storage data
#723 opened by ACTCD - 4
100% CPU Usage of Userscripts-Mac-Safari-Extension even with no Safari windows open
#729 opened by MikeRich88 - 3
Total breakage from 1.5.4 update
#727 opened by treyharris - 0
- 0
Waiting for upstream to implement the `UserScripts` API
#756 opened by ACTCD - 1
`GM.addStyle` not injecting into sub-iframes
#755 opened by ACTCD - 1
Remove references to `UserCSS` and `UserStyle`
#711 opened by ACTCD - 2
- 40
- 2
[Feature Request] Implement script isolation
#749 opened by esterTion - 1
Allow users to donate to the project
#748 opened by kubk - 7
- 2
Deprecate `GM.setClipboard` API
#655 opened by ACTCD - 1
Failed to check for updates
#736 opened by Nyantcha - 1
#739 opened by Vbaethon - 1
[Feature Request] Better user script upgrade flow
#742 opened by raananzvi - 8
[doc] Expected release date for v5.0.0 and stating `GM` API changes in current documentation
#730 opened by esterTion - 0
Web apps on Mac with Safari Web Extensions (Safari 18)
#719 opened by ACTCD - 0
- 0
- 0
Question: How to injection css?
#717 opened by getoutnow2013 - 4
`List-KR/microShield` not working on some sites
#715 opened by panzer-ui - 4
Visual glitch for large @match userscript
#713 opened by Viktor45 - 0
- 0
`` is missing
#706 opened by ACTCD - 1
Support scripts in subfolders
#698 opened by AsaMitakaIT - 1
make icon smaller
#697 opened by lukedumboy - 1
Can you automatically copy a file for me when I change the default configuration file save address to another address? And I can't find the default file location now, my scripts are all gone
#696 opened by kshq1996 - 15
[Bug] `@match` wrong behaivour after v1.5.0 update
#694 opened by esterTion - 0
Ability to hide sidebar in extension page
#664 opened by ACTCD - 5
Performance issues with large files
#690 opened by dnicolson - 1
Unable to run Tampermonkey scripts
#689 opened by chcrt0x - 0
Create a new issue
#687 opened - 3
- 4
Why always failed to check for updates?
#685 opened by androidcn - 8
If you search in Safari from Spotlight while Safari is closed, the @run-at request script will not work.
#683 opened by 0rodna1 - 3
Deprecate `GM.getTab` and `GM.saveTab` APIs
#667 opened by ACTCD - 1
Injecting into page using `run-at document-start` with `GM.xmlHttpRequest` is too late
#681 opened by piquark6046 - 3
Deprecate `@include` and `@exclude` metadata
#650 opened by ACTCD - 0
Support iOS App WebView Dynamic Type
#674 opened by ACTCD - 4
Can't toggle userscript extension on my iPad
#678 opened by Shkurat0v - 0
Prevent TextField zoom
#672 opened by augustobob - 3
Metadata stripped on run time
#668 opened by vanowm - 1
Does not work on Shortcut Applications
#666 opened by dashdesai - 1
Script is not loading producing "Load failed"
#648 opened by alexandre-rey - 1
CSS metadata - @match not working
#662 opened by jarrodwhitley - 3
Can’t install userscripts ios
#658 opened by Nyantcha - 1
Difference between @exclude and @exclude-match?
#649 opened by pstein