
ArchivesSpace API client in Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ArchivesSpace REST Api Client

NodeJS module providing common functions of the ArchivesSpace REST Api

Basic Info


$ npm install asapi


var Api = require('asapi');
var api = new Api({url:"http://localhost:8089"});
api.ping(function(err, json) {
  console.log("ArchivesSpace version: " + json.archivesSpaceVersion);


$ npm install jasmine-node -g
$ jasmine-node spec

Note: ArchivesSpace should be running on port 8089, using a test database.


Convert all extent information to metric system:

api.eachResource(function(resource) {
  var update = false;

  for (var i = 0; i < resource.extents.length; i++) {

    if (resource.extents[i] && resource.extents[i].extent_type == 'linear_feet') {
      resource.extents[i].number = (resource.extents[i].number * 0.3048) + "";
      resource.extents[i].extent_type = "linear_meters";
      update = true;

  if (update) api.updateRecord(resource, function(err, body) {
    if (err)
    else {


Promises (0.1.0 and up)

You can use this library with promises. You need to wrap whatever promise provider you want to use when constructing the client:

var Q = require('q');

var api = new Api({
  active_repo: 2,
  promiseFactory: function() {
    var d = Q.defer();

    return {
      resolve: d.resolve,
      reject: d.reject,
      promise: d.promise

api.ping().then(function(json) {
}).catch(function(error) {

In the Browser

Install with bower and include bundle.js in your project:

$ bower install asapi --save

To build bundle.js and test it, check out the source code and do the following:

git clone git@github.com:quoideneuf/asapi.git
npm install
grunt browserify
grunt karma

This requires Chrome.


To play around in REPL mode, start up ArchivesSpace on the default ports with the default admin user, and:
