This is an experiment for SAM pattern on bucklescript-TEA, written in ReasonML.
- The reasonml code goes into src/*.re
- The release folder contains an index.html and rollup bundles your js here in main.js
- copy or clone this repository
- change the names in package.json
- for consistency, also change the name in bsconfig.json
- in the rollup.config.js you can change the name of the output, you also have to change this name in de index.html
npm install
npm run build
npm run watch
- bucklescript-tea-sam by supersubwoofer
- Bucklescript-TEA by OvermindDL1
- Bucklescript-TEA starter kit by Thomas Coopman
- SAM pattern by Jean-Jacques Dubray
- TEA - The Elm Architecture by Evan Czaplicki