
Go RESTful API Boilerplate with JWT Authentication backed by PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Go Restful API Boilerplate

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Easily extendible RESTful API boilerplate aiming to follow idiomatic go and best practice.

The goal of this boiler is to have a solid and structured foundation to build upon on.


The following feature set is a minimal selection of typical Web API requirements:

  • Configuration using viper
  • CLI features using cobra
  • PostgreSQL support including migrations using go-pg
  • Structured logging with Logrus
  • Routing with chi router and middleware
  • JWT Authentication using jwt-go in combination with passwordless email authentication (could be easily extended to use passwords instead)
  • Request data validation using ozzo-validation
  • HTML emails with gomail

Start Application

  • Clone this repository
  • Create a postgres database and set environment variable DATABASE_URL accordingly if not using same as default
  • Build the application: go build to create go-base binary
  • Initialize the database and run all migrations found in ./database/migrate with: go-base migrate
  • Run the application: go-base serve

API Routes

For passwordless login following routes are available:

Path Method Required JSON Header Description
/auth/login POST email the email you want to login with (see below)
/auth/token POST token the token you received via email (or printed to stdout if smtp not set)
/auth/refresh POST Authorization: "Bearer refresh_token" refresh JWTs
/auth/logout POST Authorizaiton: "Bearer refresh_token" logout from this device

Besides /auth/* the API provides to main routes /api/* and /admin/* to distinguish between application and administration features. The latter requires to be logged in as administrator by providing the respective JWT in Authorization Header.

Check routes.md file for an overview of the provided API routes.

Demo client application

For demonstration of the login and account management features this API also serves a Vue.js Progressive Web App (PWA). The client's source code can be found here.

If no valid email smtp settings are provided by environment variables, emails will be print to stdout showing the login token. Use one of the following bootstrapped users for login:

A deployed version can also be found on Heroku

Environment Variables

Name Type Default Description
PORT string localhost:3000 http address (accepts also port number only for heroku compability)
LOG_LEVEL string debug log level
LOG_TEXTLOGGING bool false defaults to json logging
DATABASE_URL string postgres://postgres:postgres
PostgreSQL connection string
AUTH_LOGIN_URL string http://localhost:3000/login client login url as sent in login token email
AUTH_LOGIN_TOKEN_LENGTH int 8 length of login token
AUTH_LOGIN_TOKEN_EXPIRY time.Duration 11m login token expiry
AUTH_JWT_SECRET string random jwt sign and verify key - value "random" creates random 32 char secret at startup (and automatically invalidates existing tokens on app restarts, so during dev you might want to set a fixed value here)
AUTH_JWT_EXPIRY time.Duration 15m jwt access token expiry
AUTH_JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRY time.Duration 1h jwt refresh token expiry
EMAIL_SMTP_HOST string email smtp host (if set and connection can't be established then app exits)
EMAIL_SMTP_PORT int email smtp port
EMAIL_SMTP_USER string email smtp username
EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD string email smtp password
EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS string from address used in sending emails
EMAIL_FROM_NAME string from name used in sending emails


Any feedback and pull requests are welcome and highly appreciated. Please open an issue first if you intend to send in a larger pull request or want to add additional features.