
AI based Chat with PDF files

Primary LanguagePython


FTO - First time only


  1. Install poetry if not already installed: pipx install poetry

  2. [FTO] Create a new project with poetry: poetry new py-pdf-chat

  3. [FTO] cd into the newly created project: cd py-pdf-chat

  4. [FTO] Test everything is working fine:

    • Create a file in root: touch main.py
    • Write some print statement: print("Hello")
    • Run file using poetry: poetry run python main.py
  5. Activate the environment in terminal with: poetry shell

  6. Activate the environtemt for vscode:

    • cmd + shift + p to open the command pallete.
    • Search for select interpreter
    • Provide the path of poetry venv for the current project (copy from terminal).
  7. To deactivate the environment use command: deactivate.

  8. [FTO] To add any dependency/package (say fastapi) use command: poetry add fastapi similarly for following:

    • streamlit
    • google-generativeai
    • python-dotenv
    • langchain
    • PyPDF2
    • faiss-cpu
    • [!CAUTION] Due to some issue with poetry not able to install mentioned, download langchain-google-genai = "^0.0.9" manually with pip seperately.

  9. Create 2 env files: .env and .env.example enter GOOGLE_API_KEY.

  10. In order to run the py files use: poetry run python app.py

  11. To run the project: streamlit run app/app.py