
Let's RESTify your filesystem

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Let's RESTify your filesystem


./bin/expose [path] [port] will serve path (~ by default) at port (8000 by default).

As exposefs has been built as an express middleware, you can use it to your existing express application.

var express = require('express');
var app = express();

var exposefs = require('exposefs');

app.use('/fs', exposefs({basepath: "/home/"}));

/* your routing definition */


The code above will serve your home directory under /fs url.

Exposed API

action verb operation note
List Directory GET readdir
Retrieve file GET read
Stat file GET stat must use ?stat
Follow a file GET follow must use ?follow
Create File POST write
Create Directory POST mkdir file name must finish with /
Append to File PUT write
Update file timestamps PATCH utimes
Remove a file or directory DELETE unlink


  • Testing
  • Add different backends (dropbox, s3, etc)