This repository acts as a hub for the rest of the projects hosted through the QUTAS repositories, including supporting examples and style guides.
Check the wiki for a host of information on a range of examples, subsystem comparisons, design considerations for smart UAS
A collection of sample C++ and python packages to use as a base for other ROS nodes
A system to perform automatic air sampling when it detects that it is within a smoke plume
A few small ROS nodes identify ARUCO markers, determine a map of the environment, and determine a relative pose of a the camera
A mavlink/mavros compatible firmware for Naze32-type flight control units
A position controller for multirotors in an arbitrary local frame
A navigation controller with waypoint, failsafe, and external input capabilities.
A teleoperation interface to control UAS
A rqt GUI to assist with tuning a multirotor flight controller
A system emulator for a university unit on systems engineering
Convenient ROS node to change TransformStamped messages to a PoseStamped message