
Another Finnish Programmer Dvorak layout

Inspired by Pekka Oinas' Finnish Dvorak layout. I used this for a while in 2021. Now this is mostly just an archive. I still think this is the best Dvorak there is but losing all QWERTY ability made me return to the dark side.


Clone repo
$ git clone https://github.com/quunnb/dvoraq && cd dvoraq
Copy files
# cp dvoraq /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/
Load keymap
$ setxkbmap -config dvoraq.conf

Default layer

| ` | 7 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 9 | 8 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | [ | ] | <-    |
| ->| | ' | , | . | u | y | f | g | l | r | c | / | = |     |
|-----',--',--',--',--',--',--',--',--',--',--',--',--'|    |
| Esc  | a | o | e | i | p | d | h | t | n | s | - | \ |    |
| LS | ö | ä | q | j | k | x | b | m | w | v | z |  Shift   |
| Ctrl |  | Alt |                         | AltGr |  | Ctrl |
'------'  '-----'-------------------------'-------'  '------'

Shift layer

| ~ | ^ | @ | # | ! | % | & | ( | ) | { | } | * | $ | <-    |
| ->| | " | ; | : | U | Y | F | G | L | R | C | ? | + |     |
|-----',--',--',--',--',--',--',--',--',--',--',--',--'|    |
| Esc  | A | O | E | I | P | D | H | T | N | S | _ | | |    |
| LS | ö | ä | Q | J | K | X | B | M | W | V | Z |  Shift   |
| Ctrl |  | Alt |                         | AltGr |  | Ctrl |
'------'  '-----'-------------------------'-------'  '------'

AltGr layer

Not pictured but , and . are < and >. Rest are pretty much just Greek letters.


On left-hand side:

  • Rotates index finger letters I, U and P around clockwise
    • I is very common, so now straight under index finger
    • U sits still quite comfortably next to somewhat visually similar Y
    • P is demoted to center column: we don't like lateral movement
  • Pekka Oinas found the optimal keys for Ä and Ö, but I switch them around
    • Ä is far more common than Ö in Finnish, so Ä is given easier access

On right-hand side:

  • Switches C and L for more comfort especially in writing Finnish
    • L is also somewhat more common in English than C

Number row:

  • Uses 'Classic/Programmer Dvorak'-inspired number row: 7531980246[]
  • Unlike its inspirations, both odd and even numbers move outward until 8 and 9 "wrap around" to the middle column
  • Index fingers get the most common 0 and 1 numbers.
  • Parity is strictly divided between hands.
  • Symbols are rearranged: ~^@#!%&(){}*$.
  • Relative to Oinas' Dvorak number row's 2. layer:
    • () and {} move 2 keys left/inwards for easier access.
    • * takes {'s old place, $ takes }'s old place ($, grep symbol for end-of-line, visually on the right end).
    • ! takes $'s old premium place under left index finger same key as 1.
    • ^ takes !'s old place under left pinky (grep symbol for 'start-of-line' visually on the left 'end').
    • & takes ^'s old place on the right-hand center column (the regular Finnish position).

Third & Fourth level:

  • Tries to use almost all the Greek letters for easier math etc. equations.
  • Third layer space is _
  • Non-breaking space is moved to fourth level to prevent mistyping.

Other keys:

  • CapsLock is Escape
  • Numpad Delete:
    • Default: .
    • Second layer: ,
    • Third layer: :
    • Fourth layer: ;


You can analyze the layout by importing the json file to this website: https://stevep99.github.io/keyboard-layout-analyzer/