
"Courts of Assizes" assertion helper methods for use with the std Go testing library

Primary LanguageGo


The assizes library is a helper library for the standard Go testing package. It provides some basic assert functionality, allowing your Go tests to be less verbose. The assert style is patterned after Java's JUnit style.

Only a few helpers have been added so far - the ones I've needed for my tests. More will be added. Feel free to add your own.

The library name refers to the old British Courts of Assizes, which, being an American, I used to read and wonder about in my college days while reading lots of Dickens, Thackeray and George Eliot.


go get github.com/quux00/assizes


Wrap the testing.T pointer in an Assize and then use the Assert methods on the Assize. Any errors will be reported as failing on the line you called the assert from.

import (
    az "github.com/quux00/assizes"

func TestQueue(t *testing.T) {
	a := az.Assize{t}

	q := NewQueue()
    a.AssertEqual(0, q.Size())

    var (
        v interface{}
        err error
    v, err = q.Dequeue()
    a.AssertEqual("a", v)

    // &etc.

Failure messages look like:

--- FAIL: TestSize (0.00 seconds)
    assizes.go:36: assertEqual failed (line 30). exp: 1; act: 0

The API for AssertEquals is to pass in expected first and then actual. The line number in parens ("line 30" above) refers to the line from which you called the assert method.


Released under the MIT License.