
A tIc-tac-toe Game, Test-Driven Development Demo

Primary LanguageJava


A tIc-tac-toe game, for the TDD demo

Think - Red - Green - Refactor - Repeat

The order of the user story can be found from the test class TicTacToeSpec

  1. whenXOutsideBoardThenRuntimeException

  2. whenYOutsideBoardThenRuntimeExcepetion

  3. whenOccupiedThenRuntimeException

  4. givenFirstTurnWhenNextPlayerThenX

  5. givenLastTurnWasXWhenNextPlayerThenO

  6. whenPlayThenNoWinner

  7. whenPlayAndWholeHorizontalLineThenWinner

  8. whenPlayAndWholeVerticalLineThenWinner

  9. whenPlayAndTopBottomDiagonalLineThenWinner

  10. whenPlayAndBottomTopDigonalLineThenWinner

  11. whenAllBoxesAreFilledThenDraw

  12. whenFirstPlayerWinThenGameOver

  13. add the jacoco plugin