Login & Sign Up Form

This repository contains code for implementing a login and sign-up form using Node.js with Express, MongoDB for database storage and bcrypt for password hashing.


bcrypt: ^5.1.1
dotenv: ^16.4.1
ejs: ^3.1.9
express: ^4.18.2
install: ^0.13.0
mongodb: ^6.3.0
mongoose: ^8.1.1


The purpose of this repository is to provide a practice environment for creating a login and sign-up form. Demonostrating how to handle user authentication and registration, store user data in MongoDB and securely hash passwords using bcrypt.

Difficulty Level

1 (Beginner Friendly)

Feel free to explore the code and use it as a learning resource for building authentication systems in your own projects. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out wQuyenLe.dev@gmail.com.

