- Image resize on demand
- Imagick support
- GD support
- Amazon S3 support
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require "letyii/yii2-imagecache" "*"
or add
"letyii/yii2-imagecache": "*"
to the require section of your application's composer.json
'components' => [
'imageCache' => [
'class' => 'letyii\imagecache\imageCache',
'cachePath' => '@app/uploads/cache',
'cacheUrl' => '@web/uploads/cache',
echo Yii::$app->imageCache->imgSrc('@app/uploads/test.jpg', 'x200');
// Output: /your-app/uploads/cache/x200/.../test.jpg
echo Yii::$app->imageCache->img('@app/uploads/test.jpg', '100x');
// Output: <img src="/your-app/uploads/cache/100x/.../test.jpg" alt="" />
echo Yii::$app->imageCache->img('@app/uploads/test.jpg', '100x150', ['class'=>'test', 'alt' => 'Test image']);
// Output: <img src="/your-app/uploads/cache/100x120/.../test.jpg" alt="" class="img" alt="Test image" />