HR Bot



We use Docker and Docker Compose for constructing the development environment of the application. Therefore, we first need to install these two softwares:

Make sure docker and docker-compose commands are available in current shell.

In order to run docker command without sudo privilege:

  • Create docker group if it hasn't existed yet: sudo groupadd docker
  • Add current user to docker group: sudo gpasswd -a ${whoami} docker
  • You may need to logout in order to these changes to take effect.

Change current directory to application code folder and run the following commands:

  • Copy file .env.example to .env, docker-compose.yml.example to docker-compose.yml
  • Start up docker containers: docker-compose up -d. To stop docker containers, using docker-compose stop command
  • Change to workspace environment: docker exec -it love_workspace bash

Inside workspace container, run the following commands:

  • Install composer packages: composer install --no-suggest
  • Change permission for some directories: chmod -R 777 storage/ bootstrap/
  • Seed the database: php artisan db:seed

If you update these environment variables, you must restart docker containers in order to those changes to take effect.

  • Site will publish on{ports} (ports config in docker-compose.yml > services > ngix > ports). Add domain to host file so we can access site by domain:{ports} love.local

By default, port 80 of NGINX container is mapped to port 4040 of the host machine. If this port is currently used by another application, you can change that port by editing docker-compose.yml.


Quick deploy: Run after each time you pull code from framgia repository

Run deploy
  • Install laravel
composer install
php artisan key:generate
  • Install node modules
npm install
yarn install
  • Build
npm run dev
yarn run dev
  • Run migration
# Check Docker Container list, copy the `workspace` container name
docker ps

# Go into the `workspace` container
docker exec -it love_workspace bash

# Run migration
php artisan migrate --seed

# Or running outside the docker container
docker exec -it love_workspace php artisan migrate --seed
  • If you want run project on your local instead of Docker, just skip all step about docker and create virtual host. And modify .env config of DB_HOST, DB_HOST_TEST, REDIS_HOST to

Get Google Access Token

Create new client with type "Other", then save file credentials in path 'storage/google/credentials.json'.

Run command php artisan google:get-token

Open the link on the screen to the browser, then copy code receive from browser in command. If successful, the token file will be saved in path 'storage/google/token.json'

Add Seeder Chatwork User

Data chatwork user contains in file 'config/chatwork-users.php'

Add hook to user Bot Chatwork

Add hook to link {host}/api/chatwork/hook

Setup queues

Run command php artisan queue:table php artisan migrate php artisan queue:work

Setup cron job

Run command

crontab -e

Add to file new line with content

* * * * * docker exec love_workspace php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Replace love_workspace with name your workspace.

And restart cron:

sudo service cron restart