Source code of homeworks and projects that I have written during my years at GMU. You might notice that some files have a name "Jason" as author in a machine-auto-generated comment on top of the files. This was the name that I used on my personal laptop when I installed OS/software.
Python source code.
Java source code written using Netbeans.
C and Data structure class.
Digital signal processing class: Matlab source code.
Digital signal processing class: Matlab source code.
Source code written in Assembly and VHDL using Xilinx ISE.
Robotic class: source code written in C and Assembly to program ATmega168 chipset. IDE: IAR Embedded Workbench.
Microcontroller programming class: C and Assembly source code.
Source code written in VHDL and Assembly to program Xilinx Spartan 3E-100 CP132. IDE: Xilinx ISE, Vivado.
Senior design project: iOS app was written for and run on iPhone 3GS for communicating with external self-built circuitry via Bluetooth, receiving a person's ECG signal transmitted from the external self-built circuitry, and drawing a graph for the ECG signal in real-time on the iPhone 3GS's display. This iOS app was a small portion of the senior design project. The main part was the external self-built circuitry which is irrelevant here. Source code was written in Objective-C with BTStack integrated. BTStack was an open source Bluetooth stack written by Matthias Ringwald for a jail-breaked iOS. Note that at the time of this iOS app was written, communication via Bluetooth on iOS device was limited to Made-For-iPhone (MFi) program's members which required approval from Apple and required an authentication chip provided by Apple once approved. Jail-breaking the iOS and using the open source BTStack were the only possible solution at the time due to time constraints.