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Here you can find detailed instructions on how to turn the template into your own app
- Kotlin as main language
- Jetpack Compose as modern toolkit for native UI
- Material 3 components for Jetpack Compose to build UI faster
- Room as local persistent DB
- Retrofit+OkHttp: for api calls
- Proto Datastore as typesafe data storage solution with protocol buffers support
- Dagger Hilt for Dependency Injection
- Detekt for static code analysis and formatting
- Timber for logging
- Eva icons for the icons to use throughout the whole app
- Coil for image loading backed by Kotlin coroutines
- Splashscreen API to display a splashscreen at app launch
- Per-app language preferences to use a language inside the app that is different from the system language
- Compose Destinations for easier app navigation
- âš« dark theme support
- 🇬🇧 🇮🇹 in-app language preference
- 🔒 encrypted datastore
- 🔠linting and formatting on PR
- 🔧 custom snackbars
- version catalog: see inspo
- Result: see inspo
- AppState: see inspo
- NetworkMonitor: see inspo
- ConnectivityManagerNetworkMonitor: see inspo
Feel free to contribute or reach out to me at my email