python 3
- numpy
- pandas
- snakemake
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- gseapy
hisat2, salmon
samtools, deeptools, bedtools
rMATS-turbo, rmats2sashimiplot
fastqc, rseqc, multiqc
- DESeq2
- tximport
- readr
- pheatmap
- ggplot2
- ggrepel
- clusterProfiler
- ChIPSeeker
- EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86
bash snakeflow-enviroment-setup.sh
# Step1: activate snakemake
source activate snakeflow
# Step2: clone this repo
# Step3: copy all your fastq files into fastq dir
find . -name "*fastq.gz" | while read id; do cp $id fastq/; done;
# Step4: modify config.yml with your own paramter
# Note: put config.yml in the same dir with your snakefile.
vim config.yml
# Step5: run snakemake with -np option. this test your ``commands`` runs without any errors.
snakemake -s salmon-tximport-deseq2-v0.2.snakefile -np
# Step6: export workflow charts
snakemake -s salmon-tximport-deseq2-v0.2.snakefile --dag | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf
# Step7: or using the default snakemake environment you've created above.
snakemake -s salmon-tximport-deseq2-v0.1.snakefile -p -j 8