
A markdown preview directly in your neovim.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


A glow preview directly in your neovim buffer.


NOTE: This plugin requires Neovim 0.5 versions

with vim-plug

Plug 'ellisonleao/glow.nvim', {'do': ':GlowInstall', 'branch': 'main'}

with packer.nvim

use {"ellisonleao/glow.nvim", run = "GlowInstall"}


:Glow [path-to-md-file]
  • Pressing q will automatically close the window
  • No path arg means glow uses current path in vim
  • :Glow command will work as toogle feature, so calling it will open or close the current preview

You can also create a mapping getting a preview of the current file

noremap <leader>p :Glow<CR>

For users who want to make glow.nvim buffer fullscreen, there's a native vim keybinding

  • Ctrl-w + | set window's width max
  • Ctrl-w + _ set window's height max

Or you can have a fullscreen option by creating a mapping for setting both window's height and width max at once

noremap <C-w>z <C-w>\|<C-w>\_
