The courseworks and codes of my own projects for the course IoT in Columbia.
- Follow the Basics steps.
- Install picocom in Mac.
- The step to open the shell of board:
- Initially source your python environment to the one you have installed mpfshell.
- Then in a appropriate path enter mpfshell.
- Then in the shell, enter open tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
- Open another terminal to enter sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART.
- In the repl
to interrupt the program;CTRL + E
to enter the mode that you can paste your code;CTRL + D
to run your code;CTRL + Q
to exit repl.
The hardware SPI is faster (up to 80Mhz), but only works on following pins: MISO
is GPIO13, and SCK
is GPIO14. It has the same methods as the bitbanging SPI class above, except for the pin parameters for the constructor and init (as those are fixed).
Start a server: python3 -m http.server --cgi 8000
Make the server to be accessible from outside internet: ./ngrok http 8000