
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


SvelteKit-Lucia-Starter is a SvelteKit starter project that includes all the functionality that I like. It is kind of like the T3 Stack in some ways as it includes a similar feature set.

Includes the following features:

  • Sveltekit installed and configured
  • Lucia for authentication (configured to have a username / password authentication).
  • Login / Logout Pages (using Lucia), including redirect to login page on attempt to access authenticated page.
  • Protected routes
  • Prisma to provide database (includes a SQLite schema for authentication / session management)
  • SvelteKit-Superforms for validation of actions, and all the other features provided by this library.
  • Zod, which is used for form and trpc validation.
  • TRPC with TRPC-Sveltekit to provide a centralised set of functions for use through the application. The TRPC router is setup to allow for protected functions (with incuded demonstrations)
  • A working staged DockerFile and docker-compose file are provided.
  • Vitest is included, however there are no tests setup and functioning
  • TailwindCSS is NOT included, however the tempalte has been tested to work with svelte-add to add tailwind.

Getting started

To get started with SvelteKit-Lucia-Starter, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/qwacko/sveltekit-lucia-starter.git
  2. Install the dependencies:

    cd sveltekit-lucia-starter
    pnpm install
  3. Create a new Prisma migration:

    npx prisma migrate dev --name init
  4. Start the development server:

    pnpm dev


This template is tested to work with Docker using the provided Dockerfile. It possibly may work with a service such as Vercel or Netlify, however there may be significant changes (Prisma, Sveltekit Adapter, Auth Library Crypto etc..) and I haven't tested it.

Recommendation is to stick with Docker (or possibly node) unless you are knowledgable in the environment you are planning on deploying to.

Envinroment Variables

The following environemnt variables are included

Variable Purpose
ORIGIN Used In Production Only. Indicates the origin for all node routing to work correctly
DATABASE_URL Set the database URL. Used in both dev and production.
HTTPS Sets whether the authentication cookie in production will be secure (require HTTPS) or not. A value of anything other than "TRUE" (or blank) will result in insecure cookies. No effect in dev


Auth is handled by the lucia-auth library with the following information to guide the user of this template:

  • Route guards have been implemented in the hooks.server.ts file rather than elsewhere. With the folder structure (seperate sections for loggedIn, loggedOut, and open) this makes it relativelt easy to guard specific sections of the app. These route guards are used to redirect on login and logout.
  • TRPC has a auth guard middleware as well (lib/server/trpc/middleware/auth.ts) that can be added to any TRPC endpoint that needs an authorised user to access. It will throw an unauthorised error if a user trys to access the endpoint.
  • If you want the user information to be displayed on the page, then look at how the load function in routes/(loggedIn)/user/+page.server.ts are used to provide this information to the frontend.


To keep the template as clean and widely useable as possible, Tailwind (or any other styling library) is not included.

In order to add tailwind, simple run the following command after cloning this repository:

npx svelte-add@latest tailwindcss


The prisma schema in prisma/schema.prisma is setup to only have enough configuration to allow for the user and session storage. If the DB type is changed, then the migrations folder will need to be deleted / removed.


A DockerFile has been created, that is a staged build (to reduce the final file size). A couple of things to consider:

  • There is a deps stage and a proddeps stage, the "proddeps" will only install production dependencies to reduce final image size.
  • The docker-compose-example.yml can be used as a starting point for a docker-compose file that should work.
  • the dockerEntrypoint.sh script is used to perform prisma database migrations on startup prior to starting the image.


TRPC has been setup in a way that can be used as part of teh frontend, backend, actions, load functions etc.. by using trpc-sveltekit library. Check out the documentatino on that library to understand how the configuration works.

  • Most of the TRPC server is prevented from being called from teh frontend by being located in a server directory. The exception to this is the frontend client (for use on +page.svelte and +page.ts) which is outside of this folder to allow for calling from the frontend.
  • As per the Auth section, there is an auth middleware to check the user has been provided. This is useful as a backstop to make sure that only authorised users can access specific TRPC endpoints regardless of where tehy are called from (Frontend or Server).
  • Examples of how to use the TRPC router are provided in the routes/(loggedIn)/user page. With +page.svelte indicating a trpc query from the page, +page.ts indicating a load function, +page.server.ts showing how to call is on the server. With these different calling methods all application should be achievable.
  • It is possible that an app could be configured to route all queries and mutations through TRPC for consistency regardless of where the call is coming from. Alternatiely TRPC could be removed entirely from the applicaiton, and rely on actions / load functions. It is up to the dev.


  • dev: Start the development server
  • build: Build the project for production
  • preview: Preview the production build locally
  • test:unit: Run unit tests using Vitest
  • lint: Run Prettier and ESLint
  • format: Run Prettier to format the code