This is a template to be used with expo. It includes all the necessary stuff to start working with expo framework. It has the most popular packages included so it's easier to start coding the app itself without all the necessary boilerplate setup. It has:
Version in the package.json
is one to one the latest expo on which the template was tested.
- TypeScript support
- Expo
- React Navigation
- with dark and light theme set up
- with screen tracking hook
- state persistance on development mode
- prevent go back (to be used on forms for example)
- native-base
- color scheme detection (dark / light mode toggle)
- hermes enabled on Android by default
- i18next with translations, language detection and translations
- wait to load fonts and all the assets
- auth flow ready for implementation details
- using expo-secure-store module to save user token
- right now it has simple signIn/signOut flow
- prettier
- babel-module-resolver
- tests with jest and @testing-library/react-native
- animations with
See all the details in the documentation.
Init expo with this template using:
expo init --template=@kacgrzes/expo-template <name of your app>
Expo template, you are going to use - bundles native-base ui lib out of the box. To have the best starting experience in your project - write a dm to your designer that they should use NativeBase Figma Design Kit
Insert gif or link to demo
- Additional browser support
- Add more integrations
Contributions are always welcome!
for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd expo-typescript-template
Install dependencies
Start the expo server
yarn start
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at