
J. Bhatia, A. Dayal et al., "Object Classification Technique for mmWave FMCW Radars using Range-FFT Features," 2021 International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bangalore, India, 2021, pp. 111-115, doi: 10.1109/COMSNETS51098.2021.9352894.

In this project we classify the objects based on the features extracted from range FFT from mmWave radar.


The dataset is private. For the dataset please contact me.


  1. Total samples: 226
  2. Total classes: 3 ( Car, Drone, Human)
  3. Total no. of features: 5 ( Distance, Area, Height, Width, Standard Deviation)


In this project 4 machine learning models were apllied on the above mentioned dataset and their performance was evaluated.

Logistic Regression

  1. The file Log_reg.ipynb consists of the logistic regression model. This file consists of all the steps from loading the dataset to training and then testing and saing the trained model.
  2. The trained logistic regression model can be found here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZQKDnykqlbd5GMcEdsWefS52N7LU-AIp/view?usp=sharing .

Naive Bayes

  1. The file Naive_Bayes.ipynb consists of the Naives Bayes model. This file consists of all the steps from loading the dataset to training and then testing and saing the trained model.
  2. The trained Naive Bayes model can be found here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Evh8LaBAtU8L1Dvv4aLxJ0ZtLL9Xte2Z/view?usp=sharing .


  1. The file SVM.ipynb consists of the SVM model. This file consists of all the steps from loading the dataset to training and then testing and saing the trained model.
  2. The trained SVM model can be found here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TdNiztHQeX9s5hQBd_b492t7XgtFhJIS/view?usp=sharing .

Light Gradient Boosting methods

  1. The file LGBM.ipynb consists of the LightGBM model. This file consists of all the steps from loading the dataset to training and then testing and saing the trained model.
  2. The trained LightGBM model can be found here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UDFleIO1_bMx8t0sF5tpvt4eR-vkgCZ4/view?usp=sharing .