
The LDAP Login Script is a Python script that allows users to log in to an LDAP server using their username and password. It also includes a Telegram bot that sends the user a one-time password (OTP) for additional authentication.

Primary LanguagePython

OpenLDAP Kubernetes Deployment

This repository contains a Kubernetes deployment and service for OpenLDAP. The deployment uses the bitnami/openldap Docker image and exposes the OpenLDAP server on port 1389. The admin username and password, as well as the LDAP users and passwords, are stored in Kubernetes secrets.


To use the deployment, first create the Kubernetes secrets with the adminpassword, users, and passwords keys. The adminpassword key should contain the admin password, the users key should contain a comma-separated list of LDAP users, and the passwords key should contain a comma-separated list of passwords for the LDAP users (in the same order as the users key).

You can create it with the command:

kubectl create secret generic openldap --from-literal=adminpassword=adminpassword --from-literal=users=user --from-literal=passwords=password -n yournamespace

Once the secrets are created, you can deploy the OpenLDAP server with the following command:

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml -n yournamespace

As well as deploying the service with the following command:

kubectl apply -f service.yaml -n yournamespace

This will create a Kubernetes deployment OpenLDAP server. To check if the deployment was successful, you can use the following command to see the status of the deployment:

kubectl get deployments

The LDAP Login Script is a Python script that allows users to log in to an LDAP server using their username and password. It also includes a Telegram bot that sends the user a one-time password (OTP) for additional authentication.


The LDAP Login Script requires the following libraries:

  • ldap3
  • rich
  • telebot

To install these libraries, run the following command:

pip install ldap3 rich telebot


To use the LDAP Login Script, run the python3 app.py command and follow the prompts to enter the Telegram UID, LDAP server URL, your username, and password. The script will then send you an OTP via a Telegram bot, which you need to enter to complete the authentication process.

Once you're logged in, you'll get the user information that is created and stored for you in openldap.


The LDAP Login Script uses the following environment variables:

  • TG_BOT_TOKEN: The API token of the Telegram bot that sends the OTP.
  • TG_UID: The user ID of Telegram account.


If you want to contribute to the LDAP Login Script, please follow these guidelines:

  • Fork the repository and create a new branch for your changes.
  • Make your changes and add tests to cover them.
  • Run the tests to ensure they pass.
  • Submit a pull request to the main branch of the main repository.


The LDAP Login Script is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.