
Master Build Status

Build Status

ExploShot's repository for the Android & Ios mobile wallet

The project is based on the official Qwertycoin webwallet.

The projects are sharing the same Translation Repository, which can be easy edit with the new Qwertycoin Translation Editor.

If you find some bugs feel free to create an Issue.


The project is build using Apache Cordova and wraps the webwallet and adds native functionalities for a better user experience.
Most of the code is then handled by this other project.

How to build


To build the app, you need NodeJs and Apache Cordova. See the instructions on the official website. Android & Ios dependencies are not part of this scope.


I appreciate

tsc --project && node build.js

Create a directory named "www", empty.

The next step is to compile with

cordova build

To launch the Android app you will need to launch

cordova run android

Our app is now available on Google Play:


BTC: 1DkocMNiqFkbjhCmG4sg9zYQbi4YuguFWw
ETH: 0xA660Fb28C06542258bd740973c17F2632dff2517
BCH: qz975ndvcechzywtz59xpkt2hhdzkzt3vvt8762yk9
XMR: 47gmN4GMQ17Veur5YEpru7eCQc5A65DaWUThZa9z9bP6jNMYXPKAyjDcAW4RzNYbRChEwnKu1H3qt9FPW9CnpwZgNscKawX
ETN: etnkJXJFqiH9FCt6Gq2HWHPeY92YFsmvKX7qaysvnV11M796Xmovo2nSu6EUCMnniqRqAhKX9AQp31GbG3M2DiVM3qRDSQ5Vwq