
A c# class library that talks to an arduino and its pins

Primary LanguageC#


###A C# library to use in projects that need to send messages to arduino pins with actuators attached, eg: relays, solenoids etc

This is a library of classes for programmers to make it easy to communicate with an arduino in real time via usb. It was originally developed for a much larger project involving an event library controlling arduino drummers (which i will put on GitHub soon).

The code includes a test console application to demonstrate how to set up and arduino connection, upload code and then send pin messages to control some kind of actuator.

This is my first GitHub experiment, any contributions or criticisms are more than welcome! The code is reasonably well commented, but if you need better explanations, please ask.


Some examples of this being used to power a robotic drummer are on this youtube playlist



Connects to an adruino and sends messages. You must define a device, its pin configurations and the actuators attached to the pins.

Since this is mainly to be used to control percussion, there are some players included to help to send messages which will take care of switching a pin off for you after a particular amount of milliseconds.

Probably stepping through the test project is the best way to understand how to use the library.


Compiles and upload sketch style code to the arduino via code, so that you can automate uploading of generated arduino sketches.

This has a dependancy on having the arduino v1.01 software installed http://arduino.googlecode.com/files/arduino-1.0.1-windows.zip

Important: There is a bug in the avrdude.exe that comes with the arduino software so you need to replace it with the version posted on this page http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=806

Thanks to Sittipong Jansom http://arduinosketch.codeplex.com/ for some bits of code and inspiration

PLEASE NOTE: this has only been tested on an atmega2560 so far but it should work with any arduino device that is listed in the arduino boards.txt


I'm not really sure how to unit test something easily that is so dependant on physical outputs, so this file contains two tests that should directly test an adruino in real time.

The first test uploads some code to make the LED blink. The second uploads some interactive code and then send a few pin events out to the device. You might need to change the location of your arduino IDE installation and the com port that the device uses.


BSD License

Copyright (c) Keith Urquhart