
PUBG no recoil script for Logitech gaming mouse / 绝地求生 罗技 鼠标宏

Primary LanguageLuaThe UnlicenseUnlicense




After the update on May 3, 2018, the recoil table is outdated.

pls try other fork




绝地求生罗技鼠标宏 PUBG recoil control script for Logitech gaming mouse


  • still safe.
  • still useless.
  • recoil table maybe outdated.
  • can find new recoil table in other fork ,THANK ALL.



作者(liantian-cn)已经一整个赛季没有使用压枪宏,第一赛季亚服单排 2503。


PUBG no-recoil script for Logitech gaming mouse

manual (English translation helped by Siming) 使用说明


  • logitech gaming software never triggered any banwaves in the past, but this doesn't mean there won't be any banwaves in the future.




  • Fixed macro disable logic, optimized for tossing grenades
  • Added hotkey to disable macro named "ignore_key", default to "shift"


  • Added sensitivity setting.


  • Added uzi and scar-l recoil table.
  • The default fire button is changed to "pause".
  • Removed the full attachment mode because the chances of geting all attachments is low, and lacks testing.
  • Rewriting the logic: now the trigger speed is on par with the weapon firing rate.

How To Use

How to Edit Setting

1. Assign buttons to weapon

  • you can get the button numbers from logitech log window. When you click a mouse button, the log will prompt event = MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED, arg = X, X is the button number.
  • there are 6 weapon types. if you have a logitech mouse with less than 6 buttons, map unused buttons/weapons to nil.
  • You should always assign a button to cancel the recoil macro. set_off_key

2. Set the fire key and the mode switch key.

  • unset the Fire binding in game from your mouse left button, and set it to Pause key. This needs to be consistent between the script and the game setting.
  • When the mode switch key is pressed, recoil is magnified by 3-4x, consistent with 4x scope mode.
  • By default in the script , fire key is pause , mode switch key is capslock.
  • always keep your weapons in single-fire mode. The script will automatically fire in auto mode, including M16A1s

3. Ignore Key (script pause)

  • You can set a ignore Key, and when the key is pressed, the script pauses.
  • Limited by LGS, you can only select "lalt", "ralt", "alt" "lshift", "rshift", "shift" "lctrl", "rctrl", "ctrl" and Logitech G Key(Logitech game keyboard only)
  • By default the ignore key is "lshift"

4. Sensitivity Setting

  • If you modify the mouse sensitivity settings in the game menu, you need to modify the settings in script.
  • Mouse dpi does not affect the script. this is built into Logitech driver functionality.

5. Obfs Setting

  • by default, shoot interval random between 30-39ms. You can modify script variables to change this behavior.

  • When weapon_speed_mode = true, shots will be fired the same rate as weapon base rate, instead of the above random interval.

6. You should always use Ctrl + S to save script after edit script.

Recommended settings

Logitech's most gaming mice contain 5 shortcuts. The default 1 forward, 1 back, 1 zoom, a reduced dpi, a magnifying glass.

  • Assign a button to use ump9, so that the keys are also suitable for full accessory m416 and scar-l.
  • Assign a button to use m16a1, m16a1 with red dot sight or holographic sight, do not need other accessories, you can play a power.
  • Assign a button using akm, akm mode also applies to sks and mini 14.
  • Assign a button to use a big jump.
  • Assign a button to cancel the no-recoil.

Not working?

run LGS as administrator

UAC will isolate user32.dll‘s function between users and administrators. both keybd_event and SendInput function are in user32.dll. so if you run pubg as administrator , you also need to run LGS as administrator.

You may not notice that pubg in the admin, may be pubg is child process of steam.exe , and steam is child process of steam update , steam update must run as admin.

set "Lock profile while game is running"

By default , LGS will only run profile when game's window is "active", use GetActiveWindow , but in windows 10 , input and notification will often become active window, maybe bug maybe not.



  • logitech gaming software过去没有触发过任何Ban wave,但过去没有,不代表将来也没有。



  • 正对正式版更新,效果见#47


  • 修正关闭时的逻辑,方便丢雷。
  • 增加暂时屏蔽压枪的快捷键,ignore_key,默认为shift


  • 增加灵敏度设置。


  • 新增了uzi 和 scar-l 的后座力表格。
  • 默认开火键修改为"pause"
  • 移除了全配件模式,因为使用机会太小,导致缺乏测试。
  • 重写了逻辑:现在激发速度和武器射速相关。



1. 为枪械分配按键编号

  • 按键编号可以通过查看下方日志得到,当按下鼠标按键时,下方日志提示event = MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED , arg = X,这个X就是按键编号。
  • 枪械拥有6种,而不同型号的罗技鼠标功能键数量可能小于6,为不需要使用的武器分配nil值。
  • 总是应该为取消设置后座力补偿分配一个按键。set_off_key

2. 设置开火按键和模式切换按键

  • 开火fire key按键需要和游戏内设置一致,并在游戏内取消鼠标左键的绑定。
  • 模式切换键mode switch key按下时,后座力放大3~4倍,便于使用四倍镜。
  • 默认情况,开火键是"Pause",方向键上方最右一个。使用大小写锁定键切换4倍模式。
  • 所有武器使用单发模式,这个脚本会将单发转化为全自动模式,包括M16a1

3. 忽略键

  • 您可以设置一个忽略键,当按下该键时,脚本会暂停。
  • 受限于LGS,你只能选择这些按键作为忽略键: "lalt", "ralt", "alt" "lshift", "rshift", "shift" "lctrl", "rctrl", "ctrl"
  • 默认设置是 "lshift"

4. 灵敏度设置

  • 如果您修改游戏菜单中的鼠标灵敏度设置,则需要修改设置。
  • 鼠标dpi不影响脚本运行,罗技已经做好了转换。

5. 混淆设置

  • 在默认模式下,射击间隔从30ms到39ms随机变化。 可以修改几个变量来更改此随机范围。

  • weapon_speed_mode = ture, 使用武器速度做基准,而不是默认的30ms.

6.编辑脚本后记得ctrl + s保存。



  • 分配一个按键使用ump9,这样按键同时也适合全配件的m416和scar-l.
  • 分配一个按键使用m16a1, m16a1搭配红点瞄准镜或全息瞄准镜,不需要其他配件,就可以发挥威力。
  • 分配一个按键使用akm,akm的模式同样适用于sks和mini 14.
  • 分配一个按键使用大跳。
  • 分配一个给取消后座力补偿。

常见问题 ?

Q1: 无法自动射击 ?



文件坐标:"C:\Program Files\Logitech Gaming Software\LCore.exe" ,可以在这个程序的属性>兼容性,勾选以“管理员身份运行此程序”

UAC会隔离user权限的user32.dll对管理员权限的进程访问.  keybd_eventSendInput 都属于 user32.dll.所以,如果pubg是管理员权限运行的,也需要以管理员权限运行LGS。

你可能没有注意到Pubg是以管理员身份运行的,也许是因为pubg是 steam.exe的子进程 , steam 又是steam update的子进程。 steam update 以管理员权限更新steam。 也或许,是因为网游加速器需要lsp劫持或