
JavaScript library for conversion between TeX/LaTeX and Typst math formula code.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


JavaScript library for converting TeX / LaTeX math formula code to Typst

Try it online

A Web UI wrapper is available at https://qwinsi.github.io/tex2typst-webapp/.


Installing it in a Node.js project

npm install tex2typst

Or just loading it in a web page

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tex2typst@0.2.7/dist/tex2typst.min.js"></script>
<!-- or  -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/tex2typst@0.2.7/dist/tex2typst.min.js"></script>

Replace 0.2.7 with the latest version number in case this README is outdated.

The size of minimized library tex2typst.min.js is about 23 KB.


Basic usage

import { tex2typst } from 'tex2typst';

let output = tex2typst("\\zeta(s) = \\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty}\\frac{1}{n^s}");
// zeta(s) = sum_(n = 1)^infinity frac(1, n^s)

If you are using the library in a web page via a <script> tag, you don't need the line of import, function tex2typst should be available in the global scope.

Advanced options

  • custom TeX macros/commands

For example,

let macros = {
    "\\sgn": "\\operatorname{sgn}"
let input = "y = \\sgn(x)";
let output = tex2typst(input, {customTexMacros: macros});
// y = op("sgn")(x)

How it works

graph LR
    tex[TeX code] --parser--> tex_ast[TeX AST] --converter--> typst_ast[Typst AST] --writer--> typst[Typst code]
  • parser: Implemented in class LatexParser.
  • converter: Implemented in function convertTree.
  • writer: Implemented in class TypstWriter.


Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.