HTTP/HTTP2/HTTP3/Socks4/Socks5/Shadowsocks/ShadowsocksR/SSH/Redirect/Pf TCP/UDP asynchronous tunnel proxy implemented in Python 3 asyncio.
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http+socks5+ss on single port
#197 opened by MaximKiselev - 0
#196 opened by 4nik - 3
ProxyBackward' object has no attribute 'sockets
#179 opened by leegohi - 0
Sync version
#194 opened by anpic - 0
Support _ in the username
#193 opened by TheGP - 0
Proxy CONNECT aborted
#192 opened by 3052 - 0
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Configuring a Python Proxy on One Computer to Allow Another to Access the Internet
#189 opened by Daniel-Fei - 0
How to support multiple usernames and passwords
#185 opened by bigbenz8 - 1
#178 opened by hello-09x - 1
python-proxy如何获取用户来源IP? How to get user source ip?
#187 opened by xpfoxs - 3
Rules seem to be ignored with 'direct'
#177 opened by MartinusR - 0
Protocol table
#186 opened by colemar - 1
rules file not work.
#183 opened by bigbenz8 - 0
HTTPS request
#182 opened by sdv75 - 0
feature request, proxy bypass
#181 opened by bejokun - 1
Run UDP socks5 on localhost error
#162 opened by r4t31 - 0
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Possibility of redirecting traffic to warp?
#174 opened by jadi2 - 0
How to print all request headers
#173 opened by lutskboy - 0
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Backward Proxy GET => Empty reply from server
#171 opened by PeZzZzZz - 0
Question about iptables
#170 opened by ArminEskandarii - 1
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socks5 udp无法使用
#166 opened by wuruiwm - 3
Monitor bandwidth usage ?
#164 opened by lucydjo - 0
Define port for outgoing packets
#165 opened by dhruvrauthan - 1
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Bandwidth statistics in pproxy server
#147 opened by lucydjo - 1
Is this project still maintained?
#152 opened by aarestu - 1
Initial HTTP CONNECT and GET requests fail on 3.11.x, but work on 3.10.x and below
#161 opened by rlaphoenix - 1
run docker failure
#158 opened by xinmans - 0
pac not work
#160 opened by chechuangfeng - 0
Hello sir I am HESSAM live in *Iran* if you take look in world news nowadays seeing in Iran ban all vpn and instagram and what up cause people against regime according netblocks report ...so glad to sign or show me way how I used this vpn code in all device I am beginner Python programming and little know code must written in text editors I want to know is it include all platform or just desktop? My second question is which file must or main for this vpn for example I see dns or ip is it include all of file or setup file just .
#159 opened by HESKEY82i - 0
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Could not access Twitter
#156 opened by sinasaeedi - 0
Save proxy logs
#155 opened by lucydjo - 0
How do i use authentication with my https server
#154 opened by PurpleVoidEpic - 0
Reload Rules file
#153 opened by onestix - 1
socks5h support
#144 opened by 0xallie - 0
Custom filter functions?
#141 opened by crorella - 0
socket getaddrinfo failed
#150 opened by HadiH2o - 0
How do I run a proxy server asynchronously?
#149 opened by plotski - 0
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automatic port zero
#142 opened by milahu - 0
obsf plugin support
#140 opened by CVaRy - 0
Use custom DNS
#138 opened by DUOLabs333 - 2