
Primary LanguageJava

CS3223 Project

Project Group Members:

  • Lai Qi Wei (A0160137N)
  • Oh Han Yi (A0160210E)
  • Chan Jun Yuan (A0160133X)

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Implementation
    1. Block Nested Loop Join
    2. Sort Merge Join
      1. ExternalSort
    3. Distinct
    4. 2 Phase Optimization


This document provides some of the features implemented in the query processing engine.


This section shows the implementation of some features.

Block Nested Loop Join

This section shows how Block Nested Loop Join(BNL) is implemented.

The open() phase of BNL is very similar to normal NestedJoin, except an additional ArrayList leftBlockTuples, a block to contain the leftTuples, is initialized in this phase. Once open() is done successfully, the program will move to the next() phase.

In the next() phase, BNL will perform loadLeftBlock() to add the leftTuples into the ArrayList leftBlockTuples to simulate a block of leftTuples. It will add (Buffer - 2) number of leftTuples into this leftBlockTuples ArrayList because 2 buffers are used to as a input buffer to load the rightTuples and the output buffer (outbatch), therefore the remaining buffers are used to store the leftTuples. For each block leftBlockTuples, the entire right Table is scanned tuple by tuple, and matching results will be written to the output buffer. If outbatch is full, output the page of output tuples and end that instance of next().

Sort Merge Join

This section shows how Sort Merge Join(SMJ) is implemented. SMJ is implemented by first doing an Externalsort on the two tables before scanning through them for matching results and outputting them.

In the open() phase of SMJ, after calculating the number of tuples per batch and getting the left and right attributes, we will then run ExternalSort() on both the left and right table as shown below.

leftRelation = new ExternalSort(left, numBuff, leftIndex, leftRunName);
rightRelation = new ExternalSort(right, numBuff, rightIndex, rightRunName);

External Sort

In the first phase of the ExternalSort, the tuples are first loaded into memory using loadTuplesIntoMainMemory(). The tuples in the main memory is then sorted using the code as shown below.

 * Sorts main memory tuples
private void sortMainMem() {
    if (isDistinct && attributeList != null) {
        Collections.sort(mainMemTuples, new Comparator<Tuple>() {
            public int compare(Tuple o1, Tuple o2) {
                Vector attList = attributeList;

                int finalComparison = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < attList.size(); i++) {
                    int index = table.getSchema().indexOf((Attribute) attList.get(i));
                    int result;
                    result = Tuple.compareTuples(o1, o2, index);
                    finalComparison = result;
                    if (result == 0) {
                    } else {
                return finalComparison;
    } else {
        Collections.sort(mainMemTuples, ((t1, t2) -> Tuple.compareTuples(t1, t2, joinIndex)));

After the tuples in the main memory is sorted, writeSortedRun() will then write out attributes we are interested in into sorted runs batch by batch. writeSortedRun() is performed until either all tuples have been written into sorted runs or if the main memory no longer has any more tuples.

In the second phase of the ExternalSort, mergeSortedRun() will then be used to merge these sorted runs back into 1 sorted file using numBuff - 1 buffers. mergeSortedRun() will be completed when the number of sorted runs become 1.

 * Phase 2: Merge sorted runs
 * Pages to merge = numBuffer - 1;
private void mergeSortedRuns() {
    int numOfUsableBuffers = numBuff - 1;
    int readInCurrentRun = 0;
    int writeOutRunCounter = 0;
    while (runNum != 1) { // last run not completed yet
        /** Merge all runs in current pass */
        while (readInCurrentRun != runNum) {
            for (int i = 0; i < numOfUsableBuffers; i++) {
                if (!readSortedRun(readInCurrentRun)) {
        readInCurrentRun = 0;
        writeOutRunCounter = 0;

        /** Number of sorted runs left */
        runNum = (int) Math.ceil((double) runNum / numOfUsableBuffers);

ExternalSort is then completed after these 2 phases and will return back to SMJ's open(). Next, two priority queues (leftPQ and rightPQ) which are sorted by index are created. A tupleStack is also initialized.

leftPQ = new PriorityQueue<>((t1, t2) -> Tuple.compareTuples(t1, t2, leftIndex));
rightPQ = new PriorityQueue<>((t1, t2) -> Tuple.compareTuples(t1, t2, rightIndex));
tupleStack = new Stack<>();

In the next() of SMJ, 2 buffers will be used for the right relation and the output buffer, so (Buffer - 2) pages will be used to load pages from the left relation. The priority Queue will then be populated by the tuples sorted by join index. Below is the loadLeftBlock() codes to show how it is added.

 * Loads left block, M - 2 buffer used for left block
 * @Exception EOFException when no more batch object to be read
private void loadLeftBlock() {
    for (int i = 0; i < (numBuff - 2); i++) {
        try {
            Batch batch = (Batch) inLeft.readObject();
            if (batch != null) {
                for (int j = 0; j < batch.size(); j++) {
        } catch (EOFException e) {
            try { // 1 load all into buffer
                if (isFirstBlock) {
                    leftTuple = leftPQ.poll();
                    isFirstBlock = false;

                hasLoadLastLeftBlock = true;
                File f = new File(leftRunName + "0");
            } catch (IOException io) {
               //error codes
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
            //error codes
        } catch (IOException io) {

    if (isFirstBlock) {
        leftTuple = leftPQ.poll();
        isFirstBlock = false;

After loading the left block and right batch into memory, while leftPQ and rightPQ is not empty, the tuples will then compared and matching tuples will be added to the output buffer. Upon matching tuples, we will push the rightTuple onto the tupleStack and poll it from the RightPQ.

 * Compare left and right tuples, join tuples if they match the condition
private void compareWithRightRelation() {

    if (rightTuple == null || leftTuple == null) {

    int comparison = Tuple.compareTuples(leftTuple, rightTuple, leftIndex, rightIndex);

    if (comparison == 0) { // matching join value, poll right
        Tuple outTuple = leftTuple.joinWith(rightTuple);

        rightTuple = rightPQ.poll();

        if (outBatch.isFull()) { // after adding, check if is full
    } else if (comparison > 0) { // left > right, progress right
        rightTuple = rightPQ.poll();
    } else { // left < right progress left
        if (leftPQ.peek() != null) {
            /** If next tuple is the same, right has progress more than left, restore */
            if (Tuple.compareTuples(leftPQ.peek(), leftTuple, leftIndex) == 0) {
        leftTuple = leftPQ.poll();

We also use undoPQ in cases where join condition is not set on the primary key, which can result in duplicates in the left relation. This allows us to revert back to the previous state by adding it back into the Priority Queue.

 * Handle case where join condition is not set on pkey, duplicates may occur on left relation
 * Undo PQ to previous state
private void undoPQ() {
    if (rightTuple != null) {

    while (!tupleStack.isEmpty() && Tuple.compareTuples(leftTuple, tupleStack.peek(), leftIndex, rightIndex) <= 0) {

    rightTuple = rightPQ.poll();


Currently there are some problems implementing the Distinct to filter out the results.

2 Phase Optimization

This section shows how 2 Phase Optimization(2PO) algorithm is implemented.

The 2PO algorithm we implemented consists of using the default Iterative Improvement (II) algorithm given to us, coupled with another randomized algorithm called Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm. We will first use II algorithm to choose the plan with the lowest IO cost among the random plans within a fixed number of iterations, then pass that plan and its associated cost to the SA algorithm to further optimize the plan. We use TEMP, count and equilibrium to act as checks for this algorithm.

  • TEMP refers to the temperature and it is used to determine the probability of accepting uphill moves and number of times the outer loop is performed.
  • equilibrium refers to the counter to determine when a stage ends.
  • count refers to the number of consecutive moves, where the optimizer will end if after a specific movies, there is still no better plans.

A stage is referred to the inner while loop. Below is the SA algorithm code we implemented for 2PO algorithm.

public Operator getOptimizedPlanSA() {
    //Initialize plan with II
    Operator initPlan = getOptimizedPlan();
    ... other codes ...

    int MINCOST = Integer.MAX_VALUE;      //S0 cost
    double TEMP = 0.1 * initCost;         //initial temperature
    int equilibrium = 16 * numJoin;
    int count = 0;
    while (TEMP >= 1 && count < 4) {      //1 entire inner loop is 1 stage
        while (equilibrium > 0) {   
            Operator initPlanCopy = (Operator) initPlan.clone();
            Operator neighbor = getNeighbor(initPlanCopy);
            pc = new PlanCost();
            int neighborCost = pc.getCost(neighbor);

            int delta = neighborCost - initCost;

            if (delta <= 0) {
                // neighborCost - initCost <= 0 means downhill, set initial plan to neighbor
                initPlan = neighbor;
                initCost = neighborCost;
            } else {
                // neighborCost - initCost > 0 means uphill, set initial plan to neighbor with probability
                double probability = Math.exp((-1) * (delta / TEMP));
                Random random = new Random();
                if (random.nextDouble() <= probability) {
                    initPlan = neighbor;
                    initCost = neighborCost;
            // if initial cost is < min cost, update min cost
            if (initCost < MINCOST) {
                //System.out.println("Count is resetted");
                count = 0;
                System.out.println("-----------SA new Minimum Plan-------------");
                finalPlan = initPlan;
                MINCOST = initCost;
            } else if (initCost == MINCOST) {
                //System.out.println("current count is :" + count);
                if (count >= 4)
            equilibrium--;  //decrement equilibrium since stage ends

        TEMP = TEMP * 0.95;
        equilibrium = 16 * numJoin;

    System.out.println("-----------------Final Plan to Execute--------------\n");
    if (finalPlan != null) {
        System.out.println("  " + MINCOST);
        return finalPlan;
    } else {
        System.out.println("  " + initCost);
        return initPlan;

A stage (inner loop) ends normally when equilibrium decrements to 0. At the end of each stage, TEMP is reduced to 95% and equilibrium is reset back to its default value. When the TEMP reaches 1, the optimizer will break out of the loop and return the current optimal plan. Within a stage, if the optimizer picks a plan that has the same cost, count will be incremented. When count reaches 4, the optimizer will also break out of the loop and return the current optimal plan.

The difference between II and SA algorithm is that II will not pick a plan which does an uphill move while SA uses probability to determine whether to take an uphill move or not. Sometimes, a better plan can be found by taking uphill moves followed by downhill moves. SA algorithm provides us with more flexibility in terms of looking through such plans and this is the main reason why we chose 2PO which incoporates both the II and SA algorithm.