- Divide multiplayers into doubles randomly.
- App is suitable for several players share limited court and need to be grouped randomly. 這個app適合 "大量球員要共用有限的場地且需要隨機雙打分組" 的情況
App helps divide players into doubles group in a few step.
- Choose players in Choose Player Page.
- Users could add player by button on the upper right of this page, or edit player data by double click the player.
- Be careful, player's Level is limited in 1(beginner) and 4(expert).
- Click Divide button in Schedule Page, and the schedule will appear.
- Schedule is based on the number of games player have played and player's level.
After per game, check the ChcekBox to record the played games.
If someone leaves or joins midway, just select or unselect the players in Choose Player Page, and click Divide button again.
- Schedule will be rearrange based on played games.
- Fixed a the same player as partner. For example, player A is always grouped with player B. 支援特定雙打組合,例如A可以固定跟B一組
- Support different modes such as competition mode. 加入不同模式,例如比賽模式(雙淘汰或單淘汰)賽程