
A site that shows a random question or situation that make the QA __think__ for themselves and serve as good starting points for discussion and deeper exploration.

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A site that shows a random question or situation that make the QA think for themselves and serve as good starting points for discussion and deeper exploration.

I'd like a site that throws up challenges that make testers think deeper about testing. So imagine something like a site that QA can visit with exactly one button called 'Surprise Me' that throws up a random question or situation that make the QA think for themselves or serve as good starting points for discussion and deeper exploration.

I don't really care if the user 'solves' the problem as much as they think, then Google and see what other people do. If it leads to discussion within a team, then great!


This is a super-standard Flask app. Create a virtual environment, install the requirements, then python run.py to start the application.

Example questions

a) How do you test a screen sharing functionality of Google Hangouts

a1) manually? (which OSes to cover? which browsers?)

a2) as part of CI?

b) QA leads, what separates a Jr QA Eng with a Sr QA Eng?

c) How do you counter the 'automate everything' mentality?

d) What kind of bugs do you expect with the browser's 'History' function?

Use cases

  1. I'm hoping QA teams everywhere can use a tool like this to conduct a group discussion type of session within their companies.

  2. We can use this during our interviews

  3. We can use this for our training too. This is an easy way to generate content that is unique and interesting for QA engineers.

  4. We can use this for our pairing exercises as well


A while ago, @rajigali pointed out that we rarely talk about testing or even encourage exercises around testing. We are one derivative away from testing in that we work a lot with code that will eventually be used to test. But we are not attacking testing directly.

This bias shows in many ways and affects our hiring, interviewing and sense of accomplishment within Qxf2. While there are multiple genuine reasons for this bias, it has been nagging me that we never directly focus on testing. This is our first attempt at a tool to solve this problem.