
C++ Green threads and coroutines library

Primary LanguageC++


C++ Green threads and coroutines library


  • Write faster multithreaded programs by utilizing reduced context switch time.
  • Write shorter and more elegant programs by using the yield functionality that is modeled after the python yield keyword and co-routines.

Getting started: look at the very short api and example program

Future development:

  • Integrate the library with IO functionality like sockets and files
  • Further improve speed .
  • Add dynamic number of green threads.
  • Port to non msvc/windows compilers and operating systems.
  • Port to non-x86 processors such as arm.

How does it work:

The library explicitly allocate runtime stack for each green thread. The gt_yield function switches the current green thread by manipulating, using assembler, the esp and ebp registers who point the current runtime stack.