

Primary LanguageJava


DEWE.v4 is a platform providing Workflow-Exexution-as-a-Service. It includes three major components:

(1) Web Frontend

  • User login via OAuth using their accounts from Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Weibo.

  • User defines a workflow by providing read and write access to their S3 bucket (using bucket policy).

  • Generate a visualization of the DAG.

  • User requests to start workflow execution, and view the progress in a dash board.

(2) Workflow Scheduling Engine

  • Handles the scheduling of multiple workflows concurrently.

(3) Local Job Handler

  • Executes workflow jobs by pulling a job queue and sends ACK to an ACK queue.

(4) Lambda Job Handler

  • Executes workflows jobs when invoked and sends ACK to an ACK queue.

(5) Database

Keeps track of everything...