Evaluating Mtulit-dimensional Learned Indices

This is the source code repo for our emperical study on multi-dimensional learned indices.

Compared Methods

Learned Indices

We compare six recent multi-dimensional learned indices:

  • ZM-Index [1]
  • ML-Index [2]
  • IF-Index [3]
  • RSMI [4]
  • LISA [5]
  • Flood [6]

Non-learned Baselines

  • FullScan: sequential scan
  • R*-tree and bulk-loading R-tree: we use the implementation from boost::geometry
  • kdtree: we use a header-only kdtree implementation nanoflann https://github.com/jlblancoc/nanoflann
  • ANN: another kntree viriant from ANN project http://www.cs.umd.edu/~mount/ANN/
  • Quad-tree: we use the implementation from GEOS
  • Grid: uniform grid (UG) and equal-depth grid (EDG)


Step 1: Setup Dependencies

Step 2: Build RSMI and ANN

Most of the benchmark and indices (except RSMI and ANN) are implemented as header-only libraries.

Compile RSMI:

cd indexes/rsmi
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

Compile ANN:

cd indexes/ann_1.1.2

Step 3: Build Benchmark

Modify the following variables in CMakeLists.txt:

BOOST_ROOT, Boost_INCLUDE_DIR, Boost_LIBRARY_DIR: path to boost
TORCH_PATH: path to libtorch
EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH: path to compiled benchmark binaries

Compile RSMI benchmark:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DRSMI=ON

Compile RSMI benchmark with heap profiling enabled:

rm -rf * # clear cmake cache

Compile benchmark for other indices:

rm -rf * # clear cmake cache
cmake ..

Compile benchmark for other indices with heap profiling enabled:

rm -rf * # clear cmake cache
cmake .. -DPROFILE=ON

Run Experiments

We prepare a script to download the real datasets and prepare synthetic datasets:

cd scripts
bash prepare_data.sh

We prepare several scripts to run the experiments.

Run experiments on default settings: bash run_exp.sh

Run experiments by varying N: bash run_exp_n.sh

Run experiments by varying dim: bash run_exp_dim.sh

Run experiments by varying eps: bash run_exp_eps.sh

Run experiments of RSMI: bash rsmi.sh

The results are put in /project_root/results, and the figure drawing Jupyter notebooks are put in /project_root/figures.


[1] Haixin Wang, Xiaoyi Fu, Jianliang Xu, and Hua Lu. 2019. Learned Index for Spatial Queries. In MDM. IEEE, 569–574.

[2] Angjela Davitkova, Evica Milchevski, and Sebastian Michel. 2020. The ML-Index: A Multidimensional, Learned Index for Point, Range, and Nearest-Neighbor Queries. In EDBT. OpenProceedings.org, 407–410.

[3] Ali Hadian, Ankit Kumar, and Thomas Heinis. 2020. Hands-off Model Integration in Spatial Index Structures. In AIDB@VLDB.

[4] Jianzhong Qi, Guanli Liu, Christian S. Jensen, and Lars Kulik. 2020. Effectively Learning Spatial Indices. Proc. VLDB Endow. 13, 11 (2020), 2341–2354.

[5] Pengfei Li, Hua Lu, Qian Zheng, Long Yang, and Gang Pan. 2020. LISA: A Learned Index Structure for Spatial Data. In SIGMOD Conference. ACM, 2119–2133.

[6] Vikram Nathan, Jialin Ding, Mohammad Alizadeh, and Tim Kraska. 2020. Learning Multi-Dimensional Indexes. In SIGMOD Conference. ACM, 985–1000.