Docker image with a small disk footprint for PostgreSQL that includes:
reflects the state of mastergavinmroy/alpine-postgres:[PG_VERSION]-[RELEASE]
reflects tagged releases
docker run --name postgres -d -p 5432:5432 gavinmroy/alpine-postgres:13.3-0-0
To have DDL or other SQL automatically applied to the database on startup,
mount the volume /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
to a directory with the
SQL files you want to run.
To run pgTap tests you must mount your test directory to the container.
Example usage:
docker pull gavinmroy/postgres:13.3-0-0
docker run -d --name pgsql-testing -v /path/to/tests:/tests -p 5432 gavinmroy/alpine-postgres:13.3-0-0
docker exec -t -i pgsql-testing pg_prove -v /tests/*.sql