
micro-benchmarking JNI/Java

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

JNI Micro-Benchmarking

millibenchmarks are not really hard.

microbenchmarks are challenging, but OK.

nanobenchmarks are the damned beast!

picobenchmarks ...

most of the time performance needs to be balanced against other requirements, such as functionality, reliability, maintainability, extensibility, time to market, and other business and engineering considerations.

as for the Java language constructs, it is much harder to measure the performance than it looks.

you're not always measuring what you think you're measuring.

in fact, you're usually not measuring what you think you're measuring.

The JIT Compiler

JIT compiler is the HEART of the JVM. nothing in the JVM affects performance more than the compiler, and understanding dynamic compilation and optimization is the key to understanding how to tell a good microbenchmark (and there are woefully few of these) from the bad ones.

32-bit and 64-bit

there are three versions of the JIT compiler

  • a 32-bit client version (-client),

  • a 32-bit server version (-server),

  • a 64-bit server version (-d64).

32-bit binary is expected to have (up to) two compilers, while the 64-bit binary will have only a single compiler. in fact, the 64-bit binary will have two compilers, since the client compiler is needed to support tiered compilation. but a 64-bit JVM cannot be run with only the client compiler.

if the size of your heap will be less than about 3GB, the 32-bit version of Java will be faster and have a smaller footprint. programs that make extensive use of long or double variables will be slower on a 32-bit JVM because they cannot use the CPU's 64-bit registers, though that is a very exceptional case.

C1 and C2

HotSpot comes with two compilers:

  • the client compiler (C1): optimized to reduce application startup time and memory footprint, employing fewer complex optimizations than the server compiler, and accordingly requiring less time for compilation.

  • the server compiler (C2): optimized to maximize peak operating speed, and is intended for long-running server applications; the server compiler can perform an impressive variety of optimizations.

the default is to use the client compiler.

the primary difference between the two compilers is their aggressiveness in compiling code. the client compiler begins compiling sooner than the server compiler does. this means that during the beginning of code execution, the client compiler will be faster, because it will have compiled correspondingly more code than the server compiler.

the engineering trade-off here is the knowledge the server compiler gains while it waits: that knowledge allows the server compiler to make better optimizations in the compiled code. ultimately, code produced by the server compiler will be faster than that produced by the client compiler.

tiered compilation means the JVM starts with the client compiler, and then uses the server compiler as code gets hotter. in Java 7, to use tiered compilation, specify the server compiler with -server and include the flag -XX:+TieredCompilation. in Java 8, it is enabled by default.

Just-in-time compilation

when Java source codes are converted into JVM bytecodes, unlike static compilers, javac does very little optimization -- the optimizations that would be done by the compiler in a statically compiled language are performed instead by the runtime when the program is executed.

strictly defined, a JIT-based virtual machine converts all bytecodes into machine code before execution, but does so in a lazy fashion: the JIT only compiles a code path when it knows that code path is about to be executed. to avoid a significant startup penalty, the JIT compiler has to be fast, which means that it cannot spend as much time optimizing.

HotSpot dynamic compilation

the HotSpot execution process combines interpretation, profiling, and dynamic compilation. HotSpot first runs as an interpreter and only compiles the "hot" code -- the code executed most frequently. by deferring compilation, the compiler has access to profiling data, which can be used to improve optimization decisions.

compilation is based on two counters in the JVM: the number of times the method as been called, and the number of times any loops in the method have branched back. when the JVM executes a Java method, it checks the sum of those two counters and decides whether or not the method is eligible for compilation.

compilation threshold is set up by the value of the -XX:CompileThreshold=N flag. the default value of N for the client compiler is 1,500; for the server compiler it is 10,000. changing the CompileThreshold flag has been a popular recommendation in performance circles for quite some time.

periodically (specifically, when the JVM reaches a safepoint), the value of each counter is reduced. practically speaking, this means that the counters are a relative measure of the recent hotness of the method or loop. one side effect of this is that somewhat-frequently executed code may never be compiled (lukewarm [as opposed to hot]). this is one case where reducing the compilation threshold can be beneficial, and it is another reason why tiered compilation is usually slightly faster than the server compiler alone.

HotSpot compilation is not an all-or-nothing proposition. after interpreting a code path a certain number of times, it is compiled into machine code. but the JVM continues profiling, and may recompile the code again later with a higher level of optimization if it decides the code path is particularly hot or future profiling data suggests opportunities for additional optimization. the JVM may recompile the same bytecodes many times in a single application execution.

On-stack replacement

initial version of HotSpot performs compilation one method at a time. after the method is compiled, it does not switch to the compiled version until the method exits and is re-entered -- the compiled version will only be used for subsequent invocations. the result, in some cases, is that the compiled version is never used.

more recent versions of HotSpot use a technique called on-stack replacement (OSR) to allow a switch from interpretation to compiled code (or swapping one version of compiled code for another) in the middle of a loop; the JVM has the ability to start executing the compiled version of the loop while the loop is still running. when the code for the loop has finished compiling, the JVM replaces the code (on-stack), and the next iteration of the loop will execute the much-faster compiled version of the code.

OSR compilation is trigged by the value of three flags:

    OSR trigger = (CompiledThreshold * (OnStackReplacePercentage - InterpreterProfilePercentage) / 100)

writing -- and interpreting -- benchmarks is far more difficult and complicated for dynamically compiled languages than for statically compiled ones. in many cases, microbenchmarks written in Java language don't tell you what you think they do. the HotSpot JIT is continuously recompiling Java bytecode into machine code as your program runs, and recompilation can be triggered at unexpected times by the accumulation of a certain amount of profiling data, the loading of new classes, or the execution of code paths that have not yet been traversed in already-loaded classes. timing measurements in the face of continuous recompilation can be quite noisy and misleading, and it is often necessary to run Java code for quite a long time before obtaining useful performance data.

Code cache

when the JVM compiles code, it holds the set of assembly-language instructions in the code cache, and its default size is

  • 32-bit client, Java 8: 32MB,

  • 32-bit server with tiered compilation, Java 8: 240MB,

  • 64-bit server with tiered compilation, Java 8: 240MB,

  • 32-bit client, Java 7: 32MB,

  • 32-bit server, Java 7: 32MB,

  • 64-bit server, Java 7: 48MB,

  • 64-bit server with tiered compilation, Java 7: 96MB.

the maximum size of the code cache is set via the -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=N flag. code cache is managed like most memory in the JVM: there is an initial size (specified by -XX:InitialCodeCacheSize=N). allocation of the code cache size starts at the initial size and increases as the cache fills up. on Intel machines, the client compiler starts with a 160KB cache and the server compiler starts with a 2,496KB cache.

Compilation Threads

when a method (or loop) becomes eligible for compilation, it is queued for compilation, and that queue is processed by one or more background threads. this means that compilation is an asynchronous process, and it allows the program to continue executing even while the code in question is being compiled.

these queues are not strictly first in, first out: methods whose invocation counters are higher have priority.

for C1, the JVM starts one compilation thread, for C2, it starts two. when tiered compilation is in effect, the JVM will by default start multiple client and server threads based on the number of CPUs on the target platform.

the number of compiler threads can be adjusted by setting the -XX:CICompilerCount=N flag. for tiered compilation, one-third of them will be used to process the client compiler queue, and the remaining threads (at least one) will be used to process the server compiler queue.

if -XX:+BackgroundCompilation is set to false, in which case when a method is eligible for compilation, code that wants to execute it will wait until it is in fact compiled (rather than continuing to execute in the interpreter asynchronously).


code that follows good object-oriented design often contains a number of attributes that are accessed via getters (and perhaps setters). the overhead for invoking a method call like this is quite high, especially relative to the amount of code in the method. JVMs now routinely perform code inlining for these kinds of methods.

inlining is enabled by default. it can be disabled using -XX:-Inline flag.

there is NO basic visibility into how the JVM inlines code. if you compile the JVM from source, you can produce a debug version that includes the flag -XX:+PrintInlining.

the basic decision about whether to inline a method depends on how hot it is and its size. the JVM determines if a method is hot (i.e., called frequently) based on an internal calculation; it is NOT directly subject to any tunable parameters. if a method is eligible for inlining because it is called frequently, then it will be inlined only if its bytecode size is less than 325 bytes (or whatever is specified as the -XX:MaxFreqInlineSize=N flag). otherwise, it is eligible for inlining only if it is small: less than 35 bytes (or whatever is specified as the -XX:MaxInlineSize=N flag).

Escape analysis

server compiler performs some very aggressive optimizations if escape analysis is enabled (-XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis, which is true by default).

in rare cases, escape analysis will get things wrong, in which case disabling it will lead to faster and/or more stable code.

Dead-code elimination

optimizing compilers are adept at spotting dead code -- code that has no effect on the outcome of the program execution. many microbenchmarks perform much "better" when run with -server than with -client, not because the server compiler is faster (though it often is) but because the server compiler is more adept at optimizing away blocks of dead code.


if you're looking to measure the performance of idiom X, you generally want to measure its compiled performance, not its interpreted performance. to do so requires "warming up" the JVM -- executing your target operation enough times that the compiler will have had time to run and replace the interpreted code with compiled code before starting to time the execution.

today's dynamic compiler runs at less predictable times, the JVM switches from interpreted to compiled code at will, and the same code path may be compiled and recompiled more than once during a run. if you don't account for the timing of these events, they can seriously distort your timing results.

so, how much warmup is enough? you don't know. the best you can do is run your benchmarks with -XX: +PrintCompilation, observe what causes the compiler to kick in, then restructure your benchmark program to ensure that all of this compilation occurs before you start timing and that no further compilation occurs in the middle of your timing loops.

Garbage collection

don't forget GC -- a small change in the number of iterations could mean the difference between no garbage collection and one garbage collection, skewing the "time per iteration" measurement.

run your benchmarks with -verbose:gc, you can see how much time is spent in garbage collection and adjust your timing data accordingly.


deoptimization means that the compiler had to "undo" some previous compilation -- invalidate the generated code and revert to interpretation or recompilation -- the effect is that the performance of the application will be reduced.

there are two cases of deoptimization: when code is "made not entrant", and when code is "made zombie".


  • microbenchmarks are difficult to write correctly and can be misleading depending on who is writing the tests ...

  • do not expect too much from micro-benchmarks; they measure only a limited range of JVM performance characteristics.

  • always include a warmup phase which runs your test kernel all the way through, enough to trigger all initializations and compilations before timing phase(s).

  • always run with -XX:+PrintCompilation, -verbose:gc, etc.

  • be aware of initialization, deoptimization and recompliation effects.

  • use appropriate tools to read the compiler's mind, and expect to be surprised by the code it produces.

  • reduce noise in your measurements. run your benchmark on a quiet machine, and run it serveral times, discarding outliers.

  • use a library, such as JMH and Caliper.