
JS library for steganography with encryption - Hide text in an image with encryption and obfuscation.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


JS library for steganography with encryption - Hide text in an image with encryption and obfuscation. Support least significant bit mode and DCT mode.




Note: Library needs HTML5 support!


Download cryptostego.min.js
Note: This JS library needs HTML5 support!


  • Obfuscation - Random initialization of invalid bits
  • Non-linear bit-by-bit message storage
  • Valid bits and their order decided by SHA512-based hash function
  • Password decides the parameter in hash function. Different passwords map message to different locations in the image
  • No signal for password error. Wrong password results in wrong message
  • LSB (Least Significant Bit) mode
    • Use least significant bits of RGB channels of each pixel to store message
    • Resulting image is visually identical to original one
    • Can only be stored in non-compressed format such as PNG
  • DCT (Discrete cosine transform) mode
    • Store information by slightly changing lowest frequency component of each block in frequency domain
    • Robust to image compression but stores less data compared to LSB mode
    • Resulting image looks different from original one


This library provides 3 functions. Use <script src="cryptostego.min.js"></script> in your HTML to include this library.

loadIMGtoCanvas(inputid, canvasid, callback, maxsize)

This function loads an image from file input to a dynamically generated canvas. After that, it will call callback() function to do some stuff, and then delete the generated canvas.

  • inputid is the id of the html5 file input.
    • You need to put a file input element like <input type="file" id="file" accept="image/*" /> in your HTML and ask user to select an image here.
  • canvasid is the id of the canvas that this function will generate. canvasid will be generated by this function dynamically when called. You will use this canvasid in callback() to locate the canvas.
    • You must use an id that not currently used in your HTML, When this function is called, a canvas with id to be canvasid will be created. Then, the image selected by user will be loaded to this canvas.
    • Canvas created by this function (canvasid) will be deleted after finishing calling callback function. So you might want to copy image in this canvas to another canvas in callback function or trig a download in callback function.
  • callback is the callback function that will be called after image successfully loaded to canvas.
    • Use canvasid to locate the canvas in callback() function.
    • canvasid will be deleted after calling callback(). Make sure you store all data needed in callback function.
    • An example for callback -> download the result image after steganography:
    //callback function is writefunc()
    function writefunc(){
        var myCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); //canvasid='canvas'  
        var image = myCanvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg",1.0);    
        var element = document.createElement('a');
        element.setAttribute('href', image);
        element.setAttribute('download', 'result.jpg');
        element.style.display = 'none';
    //For convenience, jQuery is used here. But that's not necessary.
  • maxsize is the max width or height for created canvas (default value is 0)
    • If either image width or image height larger than maxsize, This function scale the image so that it fits the generated canvas with width and height not larger than maxsize
    • If maxsize<=0, image will not be scaled (use original size). This is not recommended if your callback function is steganography function (write info to image). As super large image will make browser dead. A recommended value is 500.
    • Make sure when callback function is reading info from image, your maxsize is at least the maxsize you use for steganography. As steganography algorithm is not robust to scale.


This function writes your message into image in canvas canvasid. Before calling this function, make sure some image is loaded in canvasid. Usually, this function will be called in callback function of loadIMGtoCanvas

  • canvasid specifies the id of the canvas to whose image the message will be written to.

  • msg specifies the message.

  • pass specifies the password for retrieving the message. (default value is '')

  • mode an integer specifies the steganography mode. [0-5]

    • 0 -> LSB mode (default), result image looks identical to original image.
    • 1 - 5 -> DCT mode, higher value means better robustness to compression but the image looks more different from the original one.
    • Generally, if you don't need image compression robustness, use mode 0, otherwise, mode 2 and 3 are recommended.
  • Return value is either null or 1, null stands for fail and 1 stands for success.


This function reads your message from image in canvas canvasid. Before calling this function, make sure some image is loaded in canvasid. Usually, this function will be called in callback function of loadIMGtoCanvas

  • To successfully read message, pass and mode should be same as what you use in writeMsgToCanvas. And the image in canvasid should be the result image of writeMsgToCanvas.
  • All parameters have same meaning as in writeMsgToCanvas.
  • Return value is a string or null
    • null means fail to read message. It might caused by wrong password, wrong image or wrong parameters.
    • returned string is the message retrieved. It might be some meaningless characters on error.

Advance Usage

writeMsgToCanvas and readMsgFromCanvas functions can be replaced by writeMsgToCanvas_single(canvasid,msg,pass,dct,copy,lim) and readMsgFromCanvas_single(canvasid,pass,dct,copy,lim), which have the same effects but you can specify more parameters. dct is a boolean meaning whether DCT mode should be used. If dct=true, copy and lim will be considered by these two functions.

copy means how many copies of this message should be stored. It's usually an odd integer so that as long as more than half of the data is correct, the result is correct. A high copy value means higher robustness but less data capacity.

lim means how much difference between a bit '0' and a bit '1' should reflect on the image. Higher lim provides better robustness but the image will look more different from the original one.

Refer to main.js for examples setting copy and lim parameters.

Compression Robustness for DCT

Raw image and data

Image before steganography (268KB in PNG format):


مرحبا بالعالم!

Compression Ratio 9.4% (25.2KB)

result 3
Retrieved data correct for mode 2,3,4,5!

Compression Ratio 4.2% (11.2KB)

optimized-result 3
Result for mode 3:

مرحبا بالعالم!

Data retrieved correctly for mode 5 as compression ratio 4.2%

Compression Ratio 1.5% (4.10KB)

result 3 1
Result for mode 5:

مرحبا باɄعالم!�BONJOUR LE MON@G 

Coding Example

Refer to example/ folder


Jeffery Zhao
License: GNU AGPL v3.0 or later (MIT License allowed for non-commercial purposes)
The copyright for Crypto-JS is reserved by its authors.