see lib/COPYRIGHT for copyright license. requirments (i think?) {TODO} php >= 5.2 pdo + mysql driver (php5-mysql?) curl with php bindings if you want to use lib/tcurl. (php5-curl) php5-cli if you whish to use scripts/* Lets get started! $ cp example.config.php config.php -- edit config.php with your settings. $ cp example.routes.php routes.php -- edit default routes. To generate a controller skeleton $ ./script/generate controller <controller> <action 1> <action 2> ... To generate a model skeleton $ ./script generate model <model> -- edit app/model/blog_post.php and set $tbl to plural. You might want to some add columns to $fields. To install a model(table) [which extends tinly_model] (this will do sql create table, or sql alter table adding columns) $ ./script/db install <model> To drop all tables in configured database $ ./script/db empty all If you need more scaffolding, build your own /scripts/my_generate