
Additional Folders and files to support deployment of docoker image: gitlab/gitlab-ce:13.0.6-ce.0 in airgapped environment with HTTPs support.

Deploying Gitlab on local machine

Getting Started


Attached .odt file is my personal documentation on the setup of local Gitlab repository, which also includes how to link up Gitlab with Windows AD, as well as backing up of data and generation of certs for use of HTTPs protocol.

Reference for parameters configuration for Gitlab

Reference for Package defaults

Certificate Generation

  • You may refer to the steps that I did by using your client as Certificate Authority. There are more detailed explainations online for topics related to certificates, especially when you want to use it to enable HTTPs protocol for other applications.
# Generate private key. This would prompt you to enter a pass phrase and reconfirm again.**
 - $ openssl genrsa -des3 -out myCA.key 4096 # Enter pass phrase for myCA.key

# Generate root certificate (.pem) 
 - $ openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key myCA.key -sha256 -days 3650 -out myCA.pem

# Generate a secure server key for GoHarbor."
 - $ sudo openssl genrsa -out gitlab.io.key 4096

# Generate the certificate signing request file taking reference from my configuration file req.conf
 - $ sudo openssl req -new -key gitlab.io.key -out gitlab.io.csr -config req.conf

# Create the signed certificate for GoHarbor using the our Cert Authority certificate and keys with the GoHarbor signing request"
 - $ sudo openssl x509 -req -in gitlab.io.csr -CA myCA.pem -CAkey myCA.key -CAcreateserial -out gitlab.io.crt -days 3650 -sha256

Starting and stopping Gitlab from the Gitlab folder

To bring up:

  • $ sudo docker-compose up

To bring down:

  • $ sudo docker-compose down

Docker volumes required:

  • '<Gitlab_folder_path>/config:/etc/gitlab' Directory containing configurations related to gitlab
  • '<Gitlab_folder_path>/logs:/var/log/gitlab' Directory storing gitlab logs
  • '<Gitlab_folder_path>/data:/var/opt/gitlab' Directory storing gitlab related data
  • '<Gitlab_folder_path>/volume_data/ssl:/etc/ssl/certs/gitlab' Directory containing certs required for https

Ports required and related information

  • '80:80' Http endpoint
  • '443:443' Https endpoint
  • '22:22' ssh endpoint
  • '9090:9090' Prometheus UI endpoint
  • '9168:9168' Gitlab exporter (endpoint for various GitLab metrics pulled from Redis and the database) Requires env: gitlab_exporter['enable']=true
  • '9236:9236' Gitaly (service that provides high-level RPC access to Git repositories. Without it, no GitLab components can read or write Git data. Also a service that provides storage for Git) repositories
  • '9100:9100' Node exporter (measure various machine resources such as memory, disk and CPU utilization.)
  • '9121:9121' Redis exporter(export scraped redis(in-memory data structure store metrics) to be collected by Prometheus. Requires env: redis_exporter['enable'] = true
  • '9187:9187' Psql exporter(export various PostgreSQL metrics) Requires env: postgres_exporter['enable'] = true
  • '8060:8060' NGINX health-check endpoint
  • '8082:8082' Sidekiq exporter (background job processor GitLab uses to asynchronously run tasks). Sidekiq requires connection to the Redis, PostgreSQL and Gitaly instances

Environment configuration

Configure environment settings by GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG in docker-compose.yaml. Put as IP placeholder for convenience, which also means all IPv4 addresses on the local machine. Refer to GITLAB omnibus webpage ref: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/docker/README.html on the configuration needed for installing gitlab. The configuration defined in GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG affects the file /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb in gitlab container.


  • From the reference online: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/package-information/defaults.html, the list ports for the exporters (Gitlab,Node,Redis,Psql and Sidekiq are enabled). By default, if https is enabled for Gitlab, it would automatically route http request to https instead, assuming you are using port 80 and 443 for http and https port respectively. If you are not intending to enable https for Gitlab, no certificate is required and please rename the external url to http and remove nginx related entries under GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG section.

  • In the Create_CA folder, I have included a sample req.conf file that is used for cert generation as referenced in the list of commands stated in the Procedure file which you can take reference to. For security purposes, I would not be providing any sample certificates or key files for your use.