Applying Object detection model: YOLO on VEDAI images (Dormant Development)

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Exploration of YOLOv7 object detection model on VEDAI dataset

As AI advances are progressingly at a rapid pace, the purpose of this work is to explore the use of open-sourced YOLOv7 object detection model that was introduced in 2022 to detect objects in images.

Preliminary exploration of data is available in the attached Jupyter notebook data_exploration.ipynb

Procedure to run

  1. Clone this repo and ensure that annotation1024_cleaned.txt is included.
  2. Create an anaconda environment, followed by pip installing the requirements.txt and requirements_gpu.txt(for those with GPU and CUDA enabled)
  3. Execute download_extract_data.sh script which would download necessary image files as well as latest Yolov7 Github repo
  4. Execute generate_train_val_files script to generate YOLO annotations for each image while splitting the dataset into train and test folders respectively.
Given vehicle type Class label used for training
Car 1
Truck 2
Boat 3
Tractor 4
Camping Van 5
Pickup 6
Plane 7
Others(Bus,motorbike etc) 8
Van 9

CUDA version


YOLOv7 reference

Dataset download URL

  • VEDAI #Under Download and Copyrights section of the webpage

Statistics of data representation:

1246 coloured or infra-red images when resolution of 512 x 512 are used. 1268 coloured or infra-red images when resolution of 1024 x 1024 are used. 3757 annotations for images regardless of which resolution

Since there is no actual information on the class labels mappings from the paper itself, other than the number of class labels representation mentioned in their 10-fold validation protocol, the following are the likely mappings between vehicle type and labels based on annotation counts and visualisation made in the notebook.

Given vehicle type Total(paper from cross-val) Closest annotation counts(unaccounted) Deduced class number(s) from closest count
Boat 170 171(1) 23
Camping (Van) 390 397(7) 5
Car 1340 1377(37) 1
Others 200 204(4) 10
Pickup 950 955(5) 11
Plane 47 48(1) 31
Tractor 190 190(0) 4
Truck 300 307(7) 2
Vans 100 101(1) 9
Bus(Not stated) 0 3(3) 8
Motorbike(Not stated) 0 4(4) 7
Total 3687 3757(70) -

List of images in table without any annotation based on existence of file (for case of 1024 x 1024 resolution)

S/N Colored image Infrared image
1. 00000024_co.txt 00000024_ir.txt
2. 00000028_co.txt 00000028_ir.txt
3. 00000034_co.txt 00000034_ir.txt
4. 00000039_co.txt 00000039_ir.txt
5. 00000341_co.txt 00000341_ir.txt
6. 00000365_co.txt 00000365_ir.txt
7. 00000369_co.txt 00000369_ir.txt
8. 00000411_co.txt 00000411_ir.txt
9. 00000424_co.txt 00000424_ir.txt
10. 00000425_co.txt 00000425_ir.txt
11. 00000522_co.txt 00000522_ir.txt
12. 00000560_co.txt 00000560_ir.txt
13. 00000600_co.txt 00000600_ir.txt
14. 00000606_co.txt 00000606_ir.txt
15. 00000717_co.txt 00000717_ir.txt
16. 00000878_co.txt 00000878_ir.txt
17. 00000887_co.txt 00000887_ir.txt
18. 00001143_co.txt 00001143_ir.txt
19. 00001145_co.txt 00001145_ir.txt
20. 00001185_co.txt 00001185_ir.txt
21. 00001244_co.txt 00001244_ir.txt
22. 00001248_co.txt 00001248_ir.txt

Research paper titled Vehicle Detection in Aerial Imagery: A small target detection benchmark by Sébastien Razakarivony and Frédéric Jurie link


The images are split across compressed tar files as indicated via part1, part2, ... on the page itself. Upon download, you would see the files extening with numeric extensions such as VehiculesXXX.tar.001, VehiculesXXX.tar.002, etc.... (XXX would be 512/1024 depending on which resolution option you choose).

An dl_extract_tar.sh script is available which would execute necessary linux command to download and extract VEDAI images and annotations in the current folder. Subsequently, extracted images would be categorised belonging to coloured or infra-red into 'CO' or 'IR' subfolders under created Vehicles folder. Please extract them using necessary file extraction software such as 7zip after downloading them.

By default, 1246 images are provided (for 512x512 resolution) or 1268 images (for 1024x1024 resolution) either in coloured or infrared versions as represented by a "co" or "ir" in the images' names. Despite the additional 22 images that were provided for the higher resolution option, there is no presence of any vehicles in these images, and hence would not be used for any object detection training

Index range of images used for training: 00000000 to 00000999 (total 979) Index range of images used for validation: 00001000 to 00001271 (total 267)

Interpretation of annotations

Using annotations1024.txt as reference

00000000 290.348971 504.611640 3.012318 277 303 304 279 502 498 508 511 2 1 0
00000001 172.413736 406.184469 -0.013888 163 182 181 164 403 403 410 410 1 1 0
00000001 206.608929 405.621843 -0.011363 196 218 218 195 402 402 409 410 9 1 0

As stated on page 16 of the research paper, the original annotation file should be interpreted as follows, for each target and from left to right (one target per line), the image ID, the coordinates of the center in the image, the orientation of the vehicle, the 4 coordinates of the 4 corners, the class name, a flag stating if the target is entirely contained in the image (1 or 0), a flag stating if the vehicle is occluded (1 or 0).

In particular, the coordinates should be interpreted as follows (using the first entry as illustration):

 'x_center', 'y_center', 'orientation', 'corner1_x', 'corner2_x', 'corner3_x', 'corner4_x', 'corner1_y', 'corner2_y', 'corner3_y', 'corner4_y' 'class', 'is_contained', 'is_occluded'
 290.348971 504.611640 3.012318 277 303 304 279 502 498 508 511 2 1 0

YOLOv7 utilisation for the purpose of model training

In progress...

All annotations are standardized to <object-class> <x> <y> <width> <height>, where:

  • <object-class> - integer number of object from 0 to (classes-1)
  • <x> <y> <width> <height> - float values relative to width and height of image, it can be set from 0.0 to 1.0
  • for example: <x> = <absolute_x> / <image_width> or <height> = <absolute_height> / <image_height>
  • attention: <x> <y> - are center of rectangle (are not top-left corner)