Front-End Web Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the IT industry. - MSc. Computer Networks. Available for collaborations
r-ahmed2022's Stars
A video series on chai aur code youtube channel
To Do List Web App allows users to track their tasks and also add, remove to-do tasks from list by functionality of ES6.
E-Commerce React App built using React-Js , HTML/CSS utilizing localstorage and Fake Store API
HTML/CSS and Javascript website for movie buffs , utilizing OMDb API to search for movies and adding them to favorites list
A simple cards game using HTML/CSS and Javascript . Focus of this project has been to utilize the asynchronous javascript and API
A Single Page App (SPA) that displays information about all cryptocurrerncies using coinGecko API and allows to extract more details about specific crypto currency, besides analytical view of the coin in the form of charts
A web app for you and your friends to add your scores of your favorite game -Terraria. Happy gaming!
This is an Awesome Booklist project that displays a form input where the user can add books to their booklist. Additionally, the booklist allows the user to add or remove a book from the list and reflects the changes to the local storage. The project utilizes JavaScript modules to organize the code, enhance readability and allow easier mantainance of the code-base.
Salama Conference is a responsive web design built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a fictional conference. It's a conference page to speak about Gender-Based-Violence and Sexual Abuse for better treatment of victims and reducing abuse cases. The project utilized a design by Cindy Shin.
This project uses Microverse Students' Figma designs to build a portfolio skeleton for showcasing past projects and allowing users to contact me. The project uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript to achieve a simple web design.
A collection of awesome readme templates to display on your profile
A simple working Bookstore app having features such as displaying books in the store, adding new books etc built using HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, and Javascript