Command Line Battleground (cli-bg)


  • Need to create a command line role based game with Java
  • Create a character and explore
  • Without using any library for runtime
  • Gain experience through fighting
  • Save and resume a game
  • Industry agile engineering practices

Planning and analysis

  • Requirement analysis and business understanding
  • Story building and activity listing
  • TDD planning


  • Component design
  • Game engine service flow
  • Render service

Coding Design

  • Including the map the objects in the map are extended from the GameObject, and the map is programmed honoring composite pattern so that drawing game frame has become easier.
  • As different object might have different drawing behaviour so we introduced strategy pattern to support different drawing algorithms to access the objects.
  • To create GameObject abstract factory pattern is being used.
  • The core engine of this game, as well as menu and frame drawing class is following singleton pattern.
  • As we have plan to extend is game with multilayer feature so we kinda try to implement observer pattern to listen any key event.


Class Diagram


Use-case Diagram


Dataflow Diagram


GameEngineService initiate (process: 1) the game. At the same time MenuRender generates the main frame and shows welcome menu. After that the event listener (process 2) starts listening to the events.

Whenever a keyboard event is triggered (like start game, load game, player movement) an action (process 2) is dispatched and controls goes to the game engine through GameControllerService. Then the game engine renders (process 4) the game state through GameStateRenderer and goes back to game engine service. Afterwards, the keyboard listener is again triggered and the process goes on like this.


  • This application has scopes to create any type of game object whether it's visible on the map or not.
  • Any kind of game story or map can be created without changing the core of this game.
  • We can create custom character, behaviour, action or even movement.


  • Need to have JDK 8 installed and available to $PATH
  • You need to have Maven 3 installed and available to $PATH

Instruction to build

Project is based on Maven and can be built using the following command

Clean Before Build:

mvn clean

Test Run:

mvn test

Package creation:

mvn package

It will execute all the unit test script and validate the build. The build package will be available to target folder.

Instruction to run


Run the program with main method from class


java -jar target/cli-bg-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

If you are already in target folder then just

java -jar cli-bg-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar


  • While fighting, area of the opponent is not honored.
  • GameObject overlapping is honored if GameObjects are not go through-able.
  • Drawing Frame side by side is not supported.
  • Character coloring is not supported currently.


This game is completely command-line based. You will face several AI player, it's sort of a battle royal game so the rule is simple "Sweet victory is only for the last man surviving".

Checkout some screenshots -

  • Introduction Introduction

  • Instruction Instruction

  • Game Play Game Play

  • Game Statistics Game Stat

Good luck 👍