- 2
Review: deploy code to PyPI
#2 opened by cthoyt - 1
Review [Round 2]: remove extraneous files
#13 opened by cthoyt - 1
Review [Round 2]: missing package metadata
#14 opened by cthoyt - 2
Review: add documentation
#4 opened by cthoyt - 2
Review: deploy documentation to ReadTheDocs
#5 opened by cthoyt - 0
Review: improve code quality
#10 opened by cthoyt - 0
Review: testing and automation
#11 opened by cthoyt - 0
Code review for "SBML2HYB: a Python interface for SBML compatible hybrid modelling"
#12 opened by cthoyt - 0
- 0
Review: reproducible generation of executable
#7 opened by cthoyt - 0
Review: how to use if not on windows?
#8 opened by cthoyt - 0
Review: use standard layout for code
#9 opened by cthoyt - 0
Review: Make archive of repository
#3 opened by cthoyt - 0
Review: package code and make pip-installable
#1 opened by cthoyt