
Full-stack college enrolment application built with Laravel 6, Vue.js and Tailwind CSS.

Primary LanguageVue

vuejs laravel fullstack

College App

Full stack application built with Laravel 6, Vue.js and Tailwind CSS for managing college enrolments, courses and lecturers. The front end of the application features a dashboard interface created with Vue.js and Tailwind CSS. The back end provides a RESTful API for the front end to consume. It was created according to MVC architecture and secured using Laravel Passport.


The application is hosted on a Heroku dyno, log in with these credentials to demo it.







view course

edit course

delete course

Installation instructions

Use the terminal and follow these steps to install the application locally.

Setting up the Laravel 6 backend

Clone the master branch

git clone https://github.com/r-freeman/college-app.git && cd college-app/

Install composer dependencies

composer install

Create .env environment variable file

cp .env.example .env

Generate application key

php artisan key:generate

Set up the database

Create a new database in phpMyAdmin and update DB_DATABASE in .env


Run database migrations and seeders

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Create Passport encryption keys

php artisan passport:install

Start the web server

php artisan serve

Setting up the Vue.js frontend

Install NPM dependencies

npm install

Run the development server

npm run watch

Build development assets

npm run dev

Build production assets

npm run prod