
Android application demonstrating Android Architectural Components i.e. RecyclerView and data persistence with the Room library.

Primary LanguageJava


Photos is an Android application that demonstrates the use of Android Architectural Components such as ViewModels, RecyclerView and data persistence with Room. For example, a RecyclerView is used to display a scrolling list of photos in an attractive masonry-style layout. The user can tap on an image thumbnail to see a large version of the photo and tap on the heart icon to favourite the photo. Favourited photos are persisted to an SQLite database using the Room library.


The application adheres to best practices for implementing Android Architectural Components in an Android mobile application and includes the following features.

  • RecyclerView
  • ViewModels
  • LiveData
  • Room
  • SQLite
  • Material


MainActivity PhotoActivity Favouriting a Photo Deleting a Photo
photos main activity photos photo activity photos favouriting a photo photos deleting a photo