
Video server for use with SuperCollider-AV

Primary LanguageHaskellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


What is it?

as a short description

Software which lets you creatively play back, synthesise and manipulate video material in real-time using a live-coding programming language and/or external controllers (e.g. MIDI controllers).

When controlled using SuperCollider-AV, it forms a powerful audiovisual composition system by extending SuperCollider with video capabilities.

by vague comparison

If SuperCollider is like Max/MSP but with textual rather than graphical programming, then this is a bit like the video playback and processing parts of Jitter.

in technical terms

A standalone program which receives messages over IPC or TCP sockets telling the program what video synthesis, video playback, or video transformation operations to perform, the result of which it outputs to a window. The parameters of these operations can be received at a very high rate with low latency, meaning that audio signals (or other high rate data sources) can be used to control the parameters.

It uses the FFmpeg library to read a large range of video formats and uses OpenGL to utilise GPU hardware to perform video operations.

Why is it?

It exists

  • for live creative video processing, audiovisual composition, music and data visualisation;
  • as an alternative to other software which exists in a similar space, such as parts of Cycling '74's Max/MSP/Jitter;
  • as a fun, live, interactive alternative to the slow, offline workflows of non-real-time video editors;
  • as an experiment in using a live-coding and textual programming interface for creative video processing.

How is it?

It's doing well thanks.

Building and installation

To build the video server you need the Haskell tool Stack installed. There are also a few libraries on which it depends such as ZeroMQ 4.x, FFmpeg and GLFW -- these will need to be installed in a location the compiler can find (on Linux, installing them with the system package manager should work).

Download this repository's source code, then in the root folder of the repository, run

$ stack install

This will build the executable and copy it to your 'local bin path', which is most likely ~/.local/bin/ on Linux or macOS. Stack will state where it copies the executable to when the build finishes but you can also find out your 'local bin path' by running

$ stack path --local-bin

I have only tested this on Linux so far but it may run on macOS -- I'll check at some point, potentially make some modifications to make it compatible, and update this README. It might build on Windows since it doesn't rely heavily on Unix/POSIX-isms but I haven't tested it and probably won't any time soon (anyone reading this is welcome to try though).

What is it? The full technical description.

A real-time video synthesis and processing system with a conceptually equivalent role to the SuperCollider platform's audio server (scsynth/supernova). It follows SuperCollider's model of UGen graphs defining synthesis/transformation operations and is designed to be controlled via SuperCollider's live-coding programming language sclang, currently using a modified version of SuperCollider, SuperCollider-AV.

It does not depend on SuperCollider, however, and can receive messages in an appropriate format from any source (over IPC or TCP sockets).

The video server receives messages defining video synthesis and transformation operations as a graph of UGens. As with SuperCollider's audio processing UGens, the parameters of the video UGens can be controlled by either static values or a stream of values/signals, such as a control rate signal in SuperCollider. In SuperCollider-AV, you can control audio synthesis parameters with, for example, the same LFO you're using to control some video parameter.

The system has very low latency so there is a very tight perceptual link between the output you hear and the output you see.

It has really solid performance, even for an unreasonable number of transformations applied to a video. Granted, none of the currently implemented transformations are particularly computationally expensive, but I haven't had the output drop below 60fps on my laptop (Intel i7, integrated HD Graphics 520), even with hundreds of audio streams controlling hundreds of video transformation parameters.

The video server supports the playback of videos from disk in a number of formats by utilising the FFmpeg library. It supports looping playback of videos and playback at variable rates -- it can handle playback at very high or very low rates but does not attempt to do any form of frame blending at low rates.

My favourite video playback feature is the optional ability to load video files into memory, which allows a video's frames to be accessed randomly with a freely controllable 'playback head'. Controlling the playback head with an increasing ramp waveform results in normal (forwards, linear) playback, a decreasing ramp gives reverse playback, and beyond that other waveforms can play the frames in any way you want: playing the frames in a random order, speed ramps, etc.

The UGens are implemented as GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) fragment shader functions so the existing set of UGens can be easily extended. When using SuperCollider-AV to control the video server, corresponding UGen classes exist in sclang.


GitHub issues (for feature requests, bugs, etc.) and pull requests welcome.