

Primary LanguageShell

Run historical R versions on today’s computers


Note that these containers are currently experimental!

Found a bug? Please let us know! Thanks!


docker pull ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.0.0
docker run -ti ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.0.0
R : Copyright 2000, The R Development Core Team
Version 1.0.0  (February 29, 2000)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type    "?license" or "?licence" for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type    "?contributors" for a list.

Type    "demo()" for some demos, "help()" for on-line help, or
        "help.start()" for a HTML browser interface to help.
Type    "q()" to quit R.


The evercran CRAN snapshots

The evercran project has daily CRAN snapshots, starting from the very beginning up to today. The URLs are of the form


and they start at 1999/01/01.

Package downloads are redirected to CRAN, so you will need an R download method that follows redirection.

All the evercran containers (from R 0.65.1) in this repository are already set up to an appropriate evercran snapshot: they use the date of the next R release. (Except for the container of the latest R release, of course, that uses a regular CRAN mirror instead of a snapshot.)

To use an evercran snapshot on a different R installation, this should work on all R versions, as of today:

options(CRAN = "http://evercran.r-pkg.org/2010/10/10")
options(repos = c(CRAN = "http://evercran.r-pkg.org/2010/10/10"))
options(download.file.method = "wget")

Modify the URLs to use the snapshot date you’d like. Add this to the ~/.Rprofile file. You’ll also need to install wget for the downloads to work. You can use a https URL if your wget installation supports https.

R 0.0 (alpha-test) – R 2.5.1

docker pull ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/<version>
docker run -ti ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/<version>

These containers use Debian 3.1 (Sarge). Notes:

  • All containers use the linux/i386 architecture.

  • While wget and curl have HTTPS support, in practice HTTPS does not work because of certificate errors.

  • You can use the HTTP (not HTTPS!) PPA at https://ppa.r-pkg.org/evercran/ to install more R versions:

    echo 'deb http://ppa.r-pkg.org/evercran sarge main' \
      >> /etc/apt/sources.list
    apt-get update -y
    apt-get install -y r-1.0.0
  • The Debian R packages are also available as GitHub Releases, in the https://github.com/r-hub/R repository, e.g.: https://github.com/r-hub/R/releases/tag/v1.0.0 (But you cannot directly download these from the containers, because of the broken HTTPS. Use the PPA to download them.)

R 2.6.0 – R 2.8.1

docker pull ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/<version>
docker run -ti ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/<version>

These containers use Debian 4.0 (Etch). Notes:

  • All containers use the linux/i386 architecture.

  • While wget and curl have HTTPS support, in practice HTTPS does not work well, because they use TLS v1, which is not supported by many servers.

  • You can use the HTTP (not HTTPS!) PPA at https://ppa.r-pkg.org/evercran/ to install more R versions:

    echo 'deb http://ppa.r-pkg.org/evercran etch main' \
      >> /etc/apt/sources.list
    curl -L http://ppa.r-pkg.org/rhub.gpg.key | apt-key add -
    apt-get update -y
    apt-get install -y r-2.6.0
  • The Debian R packages are also available as GitHub Releases, in the https://github.com/r-hub/R repository, e.g.: https://github.com/r-hub/R/releases/tag/v2.6.0 (But you cannot directly download these from the containers, because of the broken HTTPS. Use the PPA to download them.)

R 2.9.0 – R 2.12.2

docker pull ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/<version>
docker run -ti ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/<version>

These containers use Debian 5.0.10 (Lenny). Notes:

  • All containers use the linux/i386 architecture.

  • While wget and curl have HTTPS support, in practice HTTPS does not work well, because they use TLS v1, which is not supported by many servers.

  • You can use the HTTP (not HTTPS!) PPA at https://ppa.r-pkg.org/evercran/ to install more R versions:

    echo 'deb http://ppa.r-pkg.org/evercran lenny main' \
      >> /etc/apt/sources.list
    curl -L http://ppa.r-pkg.org/rhub.gpg.key | apt-key add -
    apt-get update -y
    apt-get install -y r-2.9.0
  • The Debian R packages are also available as GitHub Releases, in the https://github.com/r-hub/R repository, e.g.: https://github.com/r-hub/R/releases/tag/v2.9.0 (But you cannot directly download these from the containers, because of the broken HTTPS. Use the PPA to download them.)

R 2.13.0 – R 2.15.3

docker pull ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/<version>
docker run -ti ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/<version>

These containers use Debian 6.0.10 (Squeeze). Notes:

  • All containers use the linux/i386 architecture.

  • While wget and curl have HTTPS support, in practice HTTPS does not work well, because they use TLS v1, which is not supported by many servers.

  • You can use the HTTP (not HTTPS!) PPA at https://ppa.r-pkg.org/evercran/ to install more R versions:

    echo 'deb http://ppa.r-pkg.org/evercran squeeze main' \
      >> /etc/apt/sources.list
    curl -L http://ppa.r-pkg.org/rhub.gpg.key | apt-key add -
    apt-get update -y
    apt-get install -y r-2.13.0
  • The Debian R packages are also available as GitHub Releases, in the https://github.com/r-hub/R repository, e.g.: https://github.com/r-hub/R/releases/tag/v2.13.0 (But you cannot directly download these from the containers, because of the broken HTTPS. Use the PPA to download them.)

R 3.0.0 – R 4.4.1

docker pull ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/<version>
docker run -ti ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/<version>

These containers use Debian 12.1 (Bookworm). Notes:

  • All containers are available with linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 architectures.

  • The amd64 Debian packages are available from https://github.com/rstudio/r-builds.

  • The arm64 Debian packages are available from the GitHub Releases at the https://github.com/r-hub/R repository E.g. https://github.com/r-hub/R/releases/tag/v4.3.1.

  • To install additional R versions (or to install in a plain debian:12 container, download it with wget or curl, ant install it with apt install ./<filename>. E.g.:

    apt-get update
    apt-get install -y curl
    curl -LO https://github.com/r-hub/R/releases/download/v4.3.1/r-rstudio-debian-12-4.3.1_1_arm64.deb
    apt install -y ./r-rstudio-debian-12-4.3.1_1_arm64.deb

Containers with multiple R versions

For convenience we have containers that include many R versions installed.

All R versions are installed in /opt/R/<version>, so you can run one with


For example to run R 0.65.1:

R versions Container OS
R 0.0 (alpha-test) – R 0.16.1 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/pre Debian Sarge 3.1 i386
R 0.49 – R 1.0.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.x Debian Sarge 3.1 i386
R 1.0.0 – R 1.9.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.x Debian Sarge 3.1 i386
R 2.0.0 – R 2.15.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.x Debian Wheezy 7.11 i386

List of all containers

R version Container Platform OS
R 0.0 (alpha-test) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.1 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.2 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.2 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.3 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.3 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.4 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.4 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.5 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.5 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.6 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.6 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.7 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.7 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.8 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.8 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.9 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.9 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.10 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.10 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.11 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.11 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.12 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.12 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.13 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.13 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.14 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.14 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.15 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.15 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.16 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.16 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.16.1 (alpha) ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.16.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.49 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.49 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.50-a1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.50-a1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.50-a4 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.50-a4 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.60 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.60 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.60.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.60.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.61 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.61 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.61.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.61.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.61.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.61.2 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.61.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.61.3 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.62 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.62 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.62.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.62.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.62.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.62.2 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.62.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.62.3 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.62.4 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.62.4 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.63 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.63 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.63.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.63.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.63.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.63.2 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.63.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.63.3 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.64.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.64.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.64.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.64.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.64.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.64.2 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.65.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.65.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.65.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.65.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.90.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.90.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.90.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.90.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 0.99.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/0.99.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.0.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.0.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.0.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.0.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.1.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.1.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.1.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.1.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.2.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.2.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.2.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.2.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.2.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.2.2 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.2.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.2.3 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.3.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.3.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.3.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.3.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.4.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.4.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.4.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.4.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.5.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.5.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.5.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.5.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.6.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.6.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.6.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.6.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.6.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.6.2 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.7.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.7.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.7.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.7.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.8.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.8.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.8.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.8.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.9.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.9.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 1.9.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/1.9.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 2.0.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.0.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 2.0.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.0.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 2.1.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.1.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 2.1.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.1.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 2.2.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.2.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 2.2.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.2.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 2.3.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.3.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 2.3.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.3.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 2.4.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.4.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 2.4.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.4.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 2.5.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.5.0 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 2.5.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.5.1 linux/i386 Debian Sarge 3.1
R 2.6.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.6.0 linux/i386 Debian Etch 4.0r9
R 2.6.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.6.1 linux/i386 Debian Etch 4.0r9
R 2.6.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.6.2 linux/i386 Debian Etch 4.0r9
R 2.7.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.7.0 linux/i386 Debian Etch 4.0r9
R 2.7.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.7.1 linux/i386 Debian Etch 4.0r9
R 2.7.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.7.2 linux/i386 Debian Etch 4.0r9
R 2.8.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.8.0 linux/i386 Debian Etch 4.0r9
R 2.8.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.8.1 linux/i386 Debian Etch 4.0r9
R 2.9.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.9.0 linux/i386 Debian Lenny 5.0.10
R 2.9.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.9.1 linux/i386 Debian Lenny 5.0.10
R 2.9.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.9.2 linux/i386 Debian Lenny 5.0.10
R 2.10.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.10.0 linux/i386 Debian Lenny 5.0.10
R 2.10.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.10.1 linux/i386 Debian Lenny 5.0.10
R 2.11.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.11.0 linux/i386 Debian Lenny 5.0.10
R 2.11.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.11.1 linux/i386 Debian Lenny 5.0.10
R 2.12.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.12.0 linux/i386 Debian Lenny 5.0.10
R 2.12.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.12.1 linux/i386 Debian Lenny 5.0.10
R 2.12.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.12.2 linux/i386 Debian Lenny 5.0.10
R 2.13.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.13.0 linux/i386 Debian Squeeze 6.0.10
R 2.13.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.13.1 linux/i386 Debian Squeeze 6.0.10
R 2.13.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.13.2 linux/i386 Debian Squeeze 6.0.10
R 2.14.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.14.0 linux/i386 Debian Squeeze 6.0.10
R 2.14.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.14.1 linux/i386 Debian Squeeze 6.0.10
R 2.14.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.14.2 linux/i386 Debian Squeeze 6.0.10
R 2.15.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.15.0 linux/i386 Debian Squeeze 6.0.10
R 2.15.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.15.1 linux/i386 Debian Squeeze 6.0.10
R 2.15.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.15.2 linux/i386 Debian Squeeze 6.0.10
R 2.15.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/2.15.3 linux/i386 Debian Squeeze 6.0.10
R 3.0.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.0.0 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.0.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.0.1 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.0.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.0.2 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.0.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.0.3 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.1.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.1.0 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.1.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.1.1 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.1.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.1.2 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.1.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.1.3 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.2.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.2.0 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.2.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.2.1 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.2.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.2.2 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.2.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.2.3 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.2.4 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.2.4 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.2.5 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.2.5 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.3.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.3.0 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.3.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.3.1 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.3.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.3.2 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.3.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.3.3 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.4.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.4.0 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.4.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.4.1 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.4.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.4.2 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.4.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.4.3 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.4.4 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.4.4 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.5.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.5.0 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.5.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.5.1 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.5.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.5.2 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.5.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.5.3 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.6.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.6.0 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.6.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.6.1 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.6.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.6.2 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 3.6.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/3.6.3 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.0.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.0.0 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.0.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.0.1 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.0.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.0.2 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.0.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.0.3 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.0.4 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.0.4 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.0.5 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.0.5 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.1.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.1.0 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.1.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.1.1 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.1.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.1.2 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.1.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.1.3 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.2.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.2.0 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.2.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.2.1 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.2.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.2.2 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.2.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.2.3 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.3.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.3.0 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.3.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.3.1 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.3.2 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.3.2 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.3.3 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.3.3 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.4.0 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.4.0 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1
R 4.4.1 ghcr.io/r-hub/evercran/4.4.1 linux/amd64, linux/arm64 Debian bookworm 12.1

Frequently asked questions

Why does `list.files()` return an empty vector?

If you see something like

> list.files("/opt/R")

then you need to run the entry point of the container, see the question after the next one.

Why is the architecture detected as `x86_64` instead of `i386`? You need to run the entry point of the container, see the next question.
`docker run` works, but `docker exec` does not, why?

Running 32bit (i386) containers on arm64 and amd64 platforms is tricky, and to make everything work properly, we need to run a special entry point. This entry point runs with docker run, but it does not for docker exec, and you need to run it manually:

docker exec -it <container> entrypoint.sh bash

If you don’t run the entry point then on arm64 hosts you might get file system errors (#7). On amd64 platforms typically the architecture will be mis-detected (#3).

Similar projects, inspiration

  • rcheology – Data on Base Packages for Previous Versions of R
  • rang – (Re)constructing R computational environments



See https://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ for the R licenses

The Dockerfiles and tools in this repository are licensed under the MIT License.

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