
Udacity Sr Web Developer Nanodegree, Project 2: Public Transportation App

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Prepare for this project with JavaScript Promises and Building Offline-First Apps.

Viewing this project


Your project will be evaluated by a Udacity reviewer according to the rubric below. Be sure to review it thoroughly before you submit. All criteria must "meet specifications" in order to pass.


You must build an application that allows users to select a departure and arrival train station. The user will then see information about the two stations. The information you provide may include connected stations on the path, arrival & departure times, or any other information you deem important for the user. Initially, the application should load a default train schedule, this can be a general schedule, a live schedule, or simply a transit map - many public transportation agencies offer this information via an API, as a GTFS file (for example, CalTrain or the My511.org transit data feed), or as an image. When the application is online the user should be able to see up to date information from the transit authority of choice. When offline the user should be able to continue to interact with the site in some capacity (e.g. The user has full access to the general schedule or the user is able to see route information they have accessed while online.)

Review the evaluation rubric for this project early and often.


Meets Specifications: App includes all requirements, including departure and arrival times of trains.


Meets Specifications: App is equally functional on mobile and desktop, using responsive design to ensure its displayed in a usable state.

Offline Functionality

Meets Specifications: Application defaults to offline-first functionality, functioning if a network connection does not exist.

App Delivery

Meets Specifications: App includes a build process (such as Grunt or Gulp). Assets are minimized and concatenated as appropriate.

Suggestions to Make Your Project Stand Out

  • Minimize the amount of information that needs to be cached by caching only what the user access


Google Transit APIs

mysql setup

cd ./mysql-docker
sudo docker build -t mysqlgtfs .
sudo docker sudo docker run --name grabel -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=sooperSECR3Tpassw0rd -d mysqlgtfs