
Generating code of value object by C# 9.0 Source Generator

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

ValueObject Generator

Generating code of value object by C# 9.0 Source Generator

Simple value objects can be created.


public partial class Sample // 'struct' also supporting
    // By default, the Validate method is defined and called from constructor
    // If ValueOption.NonValidating is set, Validate method will not be defined
    private static partial int Validate( int value ) => value;

will be generated to following

using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;

public partial struct Sample : IEquatable<Sample>
    public int Value { get; }

    public Sample( int value )
        Value = Validate( value );

    private static partial int Validate( int value );

    // Default ToString()
    public override string ToString()
        return Value.ToString() ?? "";

    // Equality
    public bool Equals( Sample other )
        return Equals( Value, other.Value );

    public override bool Equals( [AllowNull] object obj )
        return obj is Sample other && Equals( other );

    // HashCode
    public override int GetHashCode() => Value.GetHashCode();

    // Operator ==, !=
    public static bool operator ==( Sample a, Sample b )
        return a.Equals( b );

    public static bool operator !=( Sample a, Sample b )
        return !( a == b );

ValueObject Attribute

[ValueObject <type>, [ValueName], [Option] ]

Type (*Required)

Type of value. use typeof syntax.


Applied to variable name (default: "Value")


// Explicitly set the name of the value variable
[ValueObject(typeof(int), ValueName ="Point")]
public partial class Hp {}

will be generated to following

public partial class Hp : IEquatable<Hp>
    public int Point { get; } // variable name will be "Point" (default: "Value")


Flags to specify additional value specifications.

if set anOptionFlags value to ValueObjectAttribute, Generate code according to the flag value


  • Don't genetate Valid method
  • Don't validate in constructor
[ValueObject( typeof(int), Option = ValueOption.NonValidating)]
public partial class Sample {}

// *Validate method will not be defined
// private static partial int Validate( int value );


Add explicit operator

[ValueObject( typeof(int), Option = ValueOption.Explicit )]
public partial class Sample {}

will be generated to following

public static explicit operator int( Sample x )
    return x.Value;

public static explicit operator Sample( int value )
    return new Sample( value );


Add implicit operator

[ValueObject( typeof(int), Option = ValueOption.Implicit )]
public partial class Sample {}

will be generated to following

public static implicit operator int( Sample x )
    return x.Value;

public static implicit operator Sample( int value )
    return new Sample( value );


Add IComparable<T> implementation

[ValueObject( typeof(int), Option = ValueOption.Implicit )]
public partial class Sample {}

will be generated to following

public int CompareTo( Sample other )
    if( ReferenceEquals( this, other ) )
        return 0;

    if( ReferenceEquals( null, other ) )
        return 1;

    return Value.CompareTo( other.Value );


Add ToStringImpl Method for custom ToString implementarion


public override string ToString()
    return Value.ToString() ?? "";
[ValueObject( typeof(int), Option = ValueOption.ToString )]
public partial class Sample {}

will be generated to following

private partial string ToStringImpl();

public override string ToString()
    return ToStringImpl();


public override string ToString()
    return Value.ToString() ?? "";

Available other attribute

Provides presets for validation. In many cases, it is exclusive to the Validate method.

Value range

// Set an explicit range of values
[ValueRange(0, 9999)]
public partial class Count {}

will be generated to following

public partial class Count : IEquatable<Count>
    public int Value { get; }

    public Count( int value )
        if( value < (0) || value > (9999) )
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( $"(Count) Out of range : {value} (range:0 < 9999)" );
        Value = value;

Not negative

public partial class Count {}

will be generated to following

public partial class Count : IEquatable<Count>
    public int Value { get; }

    public Count( int value )
        if( value < 0 )
            throw new ArgumentException( $"(Count) value is negative : {value}" );
        Value = value;

Not empty

public partial class Name {}

will be generated to following

public partial class Name : IEquatable<Name>
    public string Value { get; }

    public Name( string value )
        if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) || value.Trim().Length == 0 )
            throw new ArgumentException( $"(Name) value is empty" );
        Value = value;

Note: if type is string, use string.IsNullOrEmpty, Trim. Otherwise use Linq.Any()


public partial class Names {}

will be generated to following

public partial class Names : IEquatable<Names>
    public string[] Value { get; }

    public Names( string[] value )
        if( !value.Any() )
            throw new ArgumentException( $"(Names) value is empty" );
        Value = value;

If you do not want to treat a string with only whitespace characters as Empty, set the ExcludeWhiteSpace argument to true.

public partial class Name {}

will be generated to following

public partial class Name : IEquatable<Name>
    public string Value { get; }

    public Name( string value )
        if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
            throw new ArgumentException( $"(Name) value is empty" );
        Value = value;