- 573Leipzig
- 705788
- ambarjaNational University of San Marcos
- andrewheissGeorgia State University
- ashbaldry@AscentSoftware
- balthasarsPPCmetrics AG
- bpkleerJustus-Liebig-University Giessen
- camlebrunLucky Cart
- carrickdavis
- damenseDelft, NL
- dataquineGlasgow, Scotland
- divarvelPenazen consulting
- dorrajmachai
- emilymgRaleigh, NC
- ErdaradunGaztea@turtletopia
- giocomaiOBCT/CCI
- hanneoberman@amices @utrechtuniversity
- jilltxtUniversity of Bergen
- jpaiva-SFDC
- JuKo007@gesiscss
- kthrogYale University
- lisalevinsonUniversity of Michigan
- LJCovingtonJrSyracuse, NY
- mattkerlogueBlavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford
- nicholaspretto
- NoushinNVictoria, BC, Canada
- patrick95350Sacramento, CA
- RickWeberLong Island, NY
- SantoshSrinivas79
- sdesabbataUniversity of Leicester, School of Geography, Geology and the Environment | Institute for Digital Culture
- stephhazlittVictoria, BC, Canada
- suarezveiranoFacultad Veterinaria, Universidad de la República
- thomvolkerUtrecht University
- TRezendesUnited Way Of Lancaster County